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Seeking the Love Corner
Source : BONUS Magazine
Date : 1 Oct 2010
by Joey Yap

I cannot begin to count the number of heartbroken e-mails I get everyday, from all four corners of the Earth, from people professing how desperate they feel and asking how it might be possible to do anything more to 'enhance' their love or relationship corner.

After all, we all want to be loved, if not wealthy! (preferably, both of course) and countless people, attached or otherwise, have spent a considerable amount of wealth trying to 'enhance' this particular nook/cranny of their home.

Often I have to disappoint these people. While there is in fact what can be termed a "Love Corner", this "Love Corner" in fact does not have a fixed location!

Let me explain. There are certain directions and locations in a property that may help its residents foster better relationships. But in Classical Feng Shui, there is no precise location or corner that specifically works to improve your love life.

Unfortunately, we become a society that thrives on the concept of 'instant gratification'. Everything must and needs to happen, right away. We are sold on the idea of quick fixes to nearly every problem we have. From the common cold to divorces - it can be done within 24 hours. So we've come to expect and demand that with the Qi (positive energy) of our environment as well.

For example, many books on Feng Shui today state that the South West location of a house is to be regarded as the universal LOVE corner. Now, the South West sector belongs to the element of Earth (in the cycle of the Five Elements). Somehow, authors and practitioners have managed to rationalise or derive that this is the Love Corner for all individuals and that by enhancing or placing cures in this corner of the home, you are guaranteed to meet your Knight in Shining Armour (or Rapunzel, whoever takes your fancy).

I understand that this may sound surprising to many of you, but the South West sector is, unfortunately, NOT the universal 'love' sector as popularly publicized. We must exercise a little bit of the secret art of common sense. Realistically Feng Shui cannot be so generic!

One may argue that there could be some schools in Feng Shui that would say that the South West IS the love corner and that I should respect these schools. OK, but every 'school' of Feng Shui can trace its unique method of application and formulas to certain age old Classical texts.

I have done the research, asked many Masters and yet cannot find ANY link to this 'new quick-fix' principle of the 'South West' being the universal 'love corner'. There are no ancient records either on this particular 'theory'. So the bottom line questions we as practitioners or researchers of Feng Shui should ask is "what is the basis" for regarding "South West" as the love corner? Why is it the "love" corner? Is it because South West represents the "mother" and mother represents love? If so, then do we mean all the other sectors, which corresponds to the father, son, daughters all does not have love? The trigram "Kun" from the South West does not govern "relationships". So, clearly, it is a very 'new' quick-fix indeed.

Of course some people would say - hey but it works! I've placed some flowers in the South West and I've got a girlfriend! How do you explain that?

In Feng Shui, Qi moves in a cyclical format. Nothing is fixed. Everything is in constant state of flux. Thus every house will have its so called "relationship" corner in different locations depending on the calculation of the internal Qi map of the house, based on its design, layout and immediate environment. Some houses might have a few more of these locations while some, unfortunately, have none. You will just have to check.

And then there are the "Annual" Qi cycles. Every year, certain directional and locational Qi movements in our properties can help us in some romantic endeavours. And if we can locate this, we can tap to it.

For example, in the year 2002, perhaps the South West did have some 'relationship' enhancing capabilities. However, that was because the Annual Flying Star #4 was in that sector. The #4 Green Flying Star has Qi associated with romantic attributes. Tapping into this Qi can help foster better relationships.

In 2010, the Annual Flying Star #5 occupied the South West, indicating Calamity rather than improving love luck. And if you didn't know better and thought that the South West is the 'universal love corner', tapping to this sector of your home in 2010 for 'love' aspects would have resulted in grave consequences.

Feng Shui is a science. There is nothing 'hocus pocus' about Feng Shui. I encourage my students, clients and readers to study it with an inquisitive mind. But every formula must be grounded in logic and a clear explanation. South West being the Universal Love corner just because it is the "Kun" Gua does not qualify as a satisfactory logical answer.

So now,

What CAN be done through classical Feng Shui to improve one's relationships?

There are two types of Qi that help foster relationship - the stars #4 and #9.

In 2010, the star #4 resides in the NORTH sector and Star #9 – NORTH-WEST sector of your house.

To strengthen this effect, if you cannot physically be more often in these two sectors, try a small water feature. A clear glass vase filled with Water and some plants that grow on water would be good enough. Look after it: water should be clean and smell good.

The idea of using water is to allow beneficial Qi (in this case, you want the effects of Star #4 or #9, not other stars) to collect and benefit you.

The annual Qi that could improve relationship matters has shifted to this sector and if you are looking for the 'quick fixes' then the North sector is your 'quickest' possible solution for 2010.

For a more stable and long lasting solution, you need to evaluate your home and identify areas of which the Qi can help promote and foster better ties and relationship with others in the long run. This evaluation will take into consideration your entire house's internal as well as external conditions.

Feng Shui cannot create a LOVE relationship but it can create opportunities. There is no specific 'love' corner but there are types of 'Qi' that help you build relationships, make you a more pleasant person to be with, make you cheerful and happy - attributes that make you attractive and likeable to others!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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