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Thank you for the course. It was very good; more preparation of papers gave us much more time for thinking. All the best and see you soon.

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Where Being Forewarned, is Indeed Forearmed
Source :
Date : 1 Jan 2008
by Joey Yap

Living Life to the Fullest, with Classical Feng Shui

Contrary to popular belief nowadays, Feng Shui is not (only) about getting rich.  And Feng Shui sure has nothing to do with your hairstyle, ornaments, home decorations or the number of goldfish you have bobbing about in your aquarium. 

Far from being a hocus-pocus sort of 'magical art', Classical Feng Shui is an ancient, respectable science that studies how the natural energies of our environment, or Qi, can be harnessed to benefit our internal and external environments.  So, you can think of Feng Shui as a study of how we can improve our living conditions, our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and society in general.  It is one of the Five Arts (Wu Shu) of Chinese Metaphysics, and applied correctly, a powerful improvement tool as well.

Feng Shui is therefore about self-empowerment.  It's about knowing what's best for you and how you can realize your full potential in life.  And just to pique your interest, Feng Shui is often quoted as the prescription to the diagnosis made possible by BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny); a branch of Chinese Astrology.

Put simply, Feng Shui is all about making the most of what you're born with, to succeed in life.      

Watch out for these Afflictions...come the Year of the Earth Rat!

As implied, Afflictions are bodies of negative Qi that may affect your life adversely.  'May', because whether they do actually affect you and your loved ones, depends pretty much on what you do - or do not.

Come 2008 - the Year of the Earth Rat - pay more attention the South and North sectors of your home.  And in particular, avoid using, renovating, drilling, or indeed, undertaking any sort of activity in the South, as this is where the Year Breaker, the Five Yellow and the Three Killings reside...simultaneously, throughout the year! 

Now, it goes without saying that health - both physical and mental - is indeed wealth, so avoid renovating the Year Breaker sector, which will be found in the South.  This Affliction bodes ill for health and relationships, and it is best not to cross its path.  Hence, in the best interests of ailing or elderly folk as well as harmony, leave the South sector alone, at least for 2008.
Similarly, any adverse affects of the Three Killings can be avoided or negated, by simply refraining from digging the ground in this sector, or undertaking any renovations there.  The Three Killings represent leakage, both literal and lateral.  And certainly, you'd agree that a leaking faucet or plumbing is annoying enough, without having to fall victim to robbery or burglary!  So bear in mind the preceding precautions, and take heart, as you need NOT even shift your bed or door positions facing this sector.

But above all, the Five Yellow must not be physically touched, and by that, we mean that not even walls may be struck or holes drilled into the walls of this sector, unless you wish to activate its harmful energies!  This is a negative star that brings about calamities, wealth loss, problematic relationships and health issues.  Where possible, avoid using any rooms in the Northeast sector for important activities.

Meanwhile, the Grand Duke, which resides in the North, spells mishaps and health problems for those who unwittingly unleash its malevolent energies.  Leave this body of Qi alone, and you will do just fine.

Flying Stars for 2008: The Good, The Bad, and The Miserable!

Your property's divided into 9 sectors - also known as the 9 Palaces - with the North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West and Northwest sectors facing outwards from the Central Palace (which also counts as a sector).  And given the dynamic and ever-changing nature of Qi, the energies affecting each sector vary each year.  It is therefore important to identify the types of Qi prevalent in each sector, using Flying Stars Feng Shui.

The Good...

As far as 2008 is concerned, the positive sectors are the East, Southeast, North and Northeast.  The East, infused with the Qi of the auspicious #8 White Star, augurs well for all Wealth-related pursuits.  Meanwhile, those looking to climb the corporate ladder or seeking career advancement would do well to tap into the energies of the #6 White Star, present in the North.  Mind you, though, that the Qi of the North could also bring about illnesses if you neglect your health!

The #9 Purple Star flies into the Southeast in 2008, making it your property's Secondary Wealth sector for the year.  So if you're a businessperson or entrepreneur who intends to embark on a new venture, business expansion or simply garner more wealth, be sure to tap into the energies of the Southeast.

Now, students undertaking any sort of course and examination heed to this advisory!  If it's academic luck you seek, use the Northeast more often in 2008.  This sector can also be utilized by those looking for romance, or who simply love to travel.

And the Bad and Miserable...

You will want to look out for these sectors: The Southwest, West, Northwest and South.

By now, you should at least be able to guess that with 3 types of Afflictions (i.e. the Year Breaker, Five Yellow and Three Killings) present in the South come 2008, it really will be the most negative sector of the year!  Best piece of advice: Stay clear of the South.

And if you have no choice but to use the Northwest, mind your health, as the #2 Black Star is the harbinger of ailments and disease.  The same predicament applies to those compelled to use the Southwest, where the #7 Red will be present.  However, worse still, Southwest users will also need to keep an eye open for disputes, relationship issues, and even armed robbery!

Last but not least, to minimize the risk of facing a lawsuit or legal complications, avoid using the West.  The inauspicious Qi of the #3 Jade also spells disagreements and misunderstandings for those using this sector.

To do - or not to do

To paraphrase Shakespeare, it's all a simple matter of 'To do, or not to do?'.  And it was also the Bard who once opined: "Nothing is truly good or bad, only thinking (and doing) makes it so." 

Hence, this holds true as well, in Feng Shui.  Lest it slips your mind, Feng Shui is about making what's already good, better...instead of remedying or solving problems arising from the detrimental effects of negative Qi. 

So as you can see, 2008 - or any other year for that matter - is not without its positive or prosperous aspects.  The trick is to learn what's good for you, and identify the sector or direction that best serves your purpose.  Of course, you are now also equipped with the knowledge on which sectors should be avoided!

If you'd like to know more about what awaits you in 2008, do join me at my Feng Shui & Astrology for 2008 Seminar, themed 'Good to Great in 2008' on January 27th 2008, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

On this note, I'd like to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.  May you be blessed with a great Year of the Earth Rat ahead!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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