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Shape Matters
Source : I Property
Date : 14 Jun 2011
by Joey Yap

Joey Yap interprets the shape of properties

When you are purchasing a house or building a new one from scratch on a land you acquired, there is a need to take into consideration the overall design of the property.

Property design does play a vital role because a property is thought as a container of the Qi. Thus, the shape of the property plays an important part in the ability of the property to harness the Qi in the environment.

Below explains several common property designs to look out for:

Pyramid Shaped Properties
Properties with such shapes denote strong Fire Qi, and are usually preferred for spiritual purposes. This sort of property shape is only suitable for occupants who can use Fire Qi or for certain businesses - and only if the internal usage of the Water element is correct and the interior layout is correctly aligned.

U-Shaped Houses
In general, a U-shaped house is not good if it is very small as this indicates a missing sector. But if it is a large house with many rooms, it is acceptable because the U shape becomes like the equivalent of a left and right embrace.

All it needs is to internally divide the property into three wings using internal doors and thus ensuring the Qi is intact and balanced. A U-shaped house with no internal demarcation has a missing body of Qi in the house, which could bring calamities.

L-Shaped Houses
An L-shaped house is where the centre of the property ends up being outside of the property. The centre of a property is known as the Heavenly Heart or the core of the house's Qi, which is an extremely important sector. Once the core has been shifted to the outside of the house, it is no longer protected and the Feng Shui of the home instantly becomes unfavourable. Occupants here will feel extremely agitated and unhappy.

To remedy this situation, demarcate the property into two sections - building an internal wall to divide the L-shaped house into two individual rectangular or square blocks.

Square- or Rectangular-Shaped Houses
This is generally the ideal shape for properties. However, this doesn't mean the property must be an absolute square or rectangular shape. Some chipped off sectors are fine as long as the missing sector does not constitute more than one-third of the property. Then it is not actually considered as missing.

So, how does one tell if more than one-third of a sector is missing? It's simple. Just divide the property - on its floor plan, that is - into sections according to the 9 Grid or 9 Palaces method. This interior Feng Shui method requires you to demarcate the eight cardinal directions (North, Northwest, Northeast, West, South, Southwest, Southeast and East) on your house plan. If more than one-third of any of the sections is missing, then there is a serious missing sector problem there.

The above property designs should be able to guide you on what to take note of when you view a potential property next. Best to avoid any odd ones as it may bring much hassle to fix the problem.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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