I enjoy a lot during this course. It has opened my mind on seeing things in a different perspective. And the lesson was very structured. It has really ¡¥loosen¡¦ my mind. Thank you. Jacky Chua Boon Siew, Singapore
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What should you be looking into when it comes to checking or improving the Feng Shui of your home?
A good Classical Feng Shui practitioner will always look at Landforms (Luan Tou), or Forms, before he or she evaluates the Feng Shui of the property. These Forms dictate the quality and type of Qi that influences the area and property. In addition to the Forms, which determine if there is positive or negative Qi in the area (or if the Qi flow is somehow being blocked or repelled), formulas must always be considered. Formulas, which are techniques and calculations for drawing the energy map of an area or the property, help to qualify the Forms, assess the quality of Qi and provide a fuller picture of the Feng Shui situation. Finally, when it comes to the property itself, Classical Feng Shui practitioners will always zero in on the three most important factors: the Main Door, the Kitchen and the Bedroom - which are known as "Yang Zhai San Yao".