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How to spot a place with good 'qi' to call home
Source : Star Property (Feb Issue)
Date : 6 Feb 2013
by Joey Yap
Consider your dream property's natural environment, says feng shui master Joey Yap

A Latin proverb states, "He makes his home where the living is best". But the process of making our home a heaven on earth begins with the very core of its natural surroundings before anything else. It's unfortunate that the common misconception people have is prioritising the interior of a house rather than the exterior. Bear in mind that the interiors of a house are secondary to its external environment.As ancient wisdom used to harmonise our life with our environment, feng shui is considered one of the most effective personal growth tools to create positive qi, otherwise known as sheng qi, and eliminate sha qi, the negative energy.

The cardinal rule of selecting a home is determining the quality of a house, first and foremost. Essentially, what makes feng shui is the qi, the natural energy, found in the environment. Remember that real qi is natural and not man-made. There are two types of qi, the positive, benevolent and harmonious, growing sheng qi and the merciless, dead, stagnant, clogged, killing sha qi. When qi flows, occupants of the house are healthier, become more vibrant and will be able to perform better, contributing to wealth and leading to the ability to capitalise on more opportunities.

In search of your new home, you must first determine the quality of the qi flow of the property. Examine the surrounding area, remember that mountains and hills are carriers of qi and if you have none in the area, then the qi is probably weak or stagnant. After you have finished checking the exterior, go ahead and take a look at the house, the interior itself.

This is to help you check whether or not the property gives rise to any obvious problems. Ensure that the property is not affected by the negative sha qi. The final ultimatum of whether or not your money is worth spending over the property is down to you.

Don't be disheartened if you find the property of your dreams has a few feng shui flaws. Your goal is not perfection, but a house with a good feng shui quotient-a property located in an area with good qi, built to command qi rather than repel it, and is located in an area with minimal negative features.

Achieving this is very doable and perfectly within the capabilities of anyone, as long as you have a compass and are prepared to do some homework!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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