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Feng Shui Quick Fixes
Source : I Property (Apr Issue)
Date : 1 Apr 2013
by Joey Yap

Achieving a well-balanced Feng Shui in your home takes time. However, for those who cannot wait, here are some easy methods to consider.

How is instant gratification affecting our mindset? Undeniably, we are living in an era where a 3-second video buffering delay is looked upon as 'forever' for most of us.

While this newfound eagerness pushed the boundary of efficiency and decisiveness - it also, at the same time, kick-started a new set of challenges, the mentality that everything needs to be done right here, and right now.

In Feng Shui, however, nothing is ever instantaneous. A common misconception; put an aquarium in the southeast sector of your house, and boom, you are a director of a listed company overnight. Well, if only Feng Shui is that easy, we would have people like Bill Gates springing up everywhere, like mushrooms after the rain.

The thing is, people often look for instant and I-want-it-right-now results in Feng Shui. However, they fail to realize that, Feng Shui, like every form of art and science, is not like Band-Aid or Botox.

At the minimal, Feng Shui requires either a directional or location change, and improving a situation would take time and the progressive change of Qi within the property.

To serve up a big twist to this piece, there are, despite the earlier argument, several easy, albeit inconclusive, methods to gain a favourable footing on the Feng Shui prospects of your property. So read on, for these steps are what you need for your house.


Before you begin anything, note that the main door is one of the most important features of any property. The main door, or the mouth of your house, acts as 'main entrance' where the Qi would enter the property.

Some residences, however, are heavily shadowed as a result of tall trees growing in front of or on either side of the house. This is a no-no arrangement as it means the Qi flow to the house is blocked.

The Solution: Trim away the heavy foliage or low hanging bushes to let in some much desired sunlight and enable the Qi to flow through.


Another external feature you might want to take note of is the manhole. Yes, they may appear innocuous, but in fact, a manhole located close to the front of your property could potentially spearhead a Qi puncture problem. And this is true even if the manhole is covered by a grill.

The Solution: Cover the manhole with a slab of earth

Uncluttered Space

An open space is a very much desired feature in Feng Shui. Also known as a Bright Hall, it is the spacious ground in front and inside of your house where Qi could collect and settle before it is redistributed around the property.

Yes, an internal Bright Hall is just as important. In apartment and condominium Feng Shui, similarly, it is important for the unit's door to open up to a spacious foyer and broad area so the Qi can settle. Despite its name, a Bright Hall cannot be created by just having multiple lights in front of your house.

The Solution: Declutter the area in front of your main door to ensure that no big physical items are obstructing the Qi 'settlement'. Similarly, make sure the foyer or greeting area inside your house is spacious and clean as well.


Internally, in your kitchen, if your stove is located directly opposite your sink, changes need to be made. This situation denotes a clear Fire and Water clashing, and it will unleash a wave of undesirable health issues on the occupants of the house.

The Solution: Put a console or an island in the middle of the 'clash' and peace will be restored in your household.


In Feng Shui assessment, the position of the bed is the highest importance. Placing the bed in the wrong direction could lead you to sleepless nights, negative pressure at work and affect health prospects.

The Solution: Always place your bed against the wall. Bed is a Yin element and the wall is Yang - hence a perfect balance is maintained.

There are still many assessment methods to consider before you can achieve a well-balanced Feng Shui in your home. The above steps, though easy and convenient, pose only a fraction of what you can actually do for a good internal and external Feng Shui.

If you are interested to do more than the above, I suggest further reading in my Feng Shui for Homebuyers series, which covers these specific subjects: Interior, Exterior, and Apartment Home Owners.

Click here to view the review in full.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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