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Demystifying Lower Ground Units
Source : Creative Home (May Issue)
Date : 1 May 2013
by Joey Yap

Are the lower ground units really less than desirable? Let us find out. Make sure there are no major objects obstructing your own Main Door, as you'd want to ensure a smooth flow of Qi is sustained all the way from the Ground level. In Feng Shui, there's no such thing as absolute negative or total positive. You're not entirely or total positive. You're not entirely doomed for the whole year if you happen to have certain negative features in your home. Similarly, you cannot kick your shoes off and depend solely on the positive aspects of your property to whip its magic to your life. Feng Shui is anything but magic. It can't transform your life overnight, and it certainly cannot put a bad spell on you just because you're staying in a not-so-positive sector or level of a residence. Take for instance, the Lower Ground Unit.

The Lower Ground unit, or the "underground residence", is often shrouded by a level of negativity. Perhaps, due to the lack of information and exposure to proper Feng Shui knowledge, many people resolve to quickly associate something as negative because it seems to project that image on the surface. Admittedly, a Lower Ground unit is not entirely short of its own flaws. However, the most important aspect that homeowners should know is the reason behind the justification- they shouldn't be interested only on the tell-tale and myths that surround the Lower Ground unit.


Find out where the Main Door to your building is, and ensure that the Qi that enters the Main Door above can flow unobstructed to the Lower Ground units below. Pay attention to the lobby and corridor area, and if there are obvious obstructions along the way, they could act as a determent that cuts off the Qi to your unit, which makes it undesirable for you to stay in such conditions. Moreover, do evaluate the landforms surrounding your building as well. Mountains and hillside can produce stronger Qi that makes it even more acceptable for one to opt to stay in the below-the-surface unit. Just remember to ensure the mountain is a high one that is located in close proximity to your building.


If your Lower Ground unit is located directly above a car park, it could farm an unfortunate arrangement which renders the unit even more undesirable than it already is. Although it is not entirely c major drawback, it could cause potential health complications if the condition persists. Car park produces a lot of movement and this causes it to be too Yang of an area for one to stay above in. In Feng Shui, it is important for a house foundation to be located on top of a Yin area, and not Yang-dominated one. As such, a prolonged stay in such unit would catalyse mental disturbance and emotional instability to the occupants.


This concern raises an issues as we want to avoid staying in a Lower Ground unit with too high of a "wall barrier" surrounding it. But, just how high is too high? Well, if the road outside barriers a wall that is only one or two feet in height across your unit, then it wouldn't be an issue for you. The same can't be said if the wall is cutting halfway through the unit. This negative feature would give birth to the Cutting of Sha Qi and leads to various health complications to the occupants of the unit. Where possible, try to avoid picking a unit where this feature is prevalent.


Though glass doors allow more sun light to penetrate in, its role in warranting a better flow of Qi in your living space is minimal. To truly capture the essence of Qi, you should introduce more open access into your home. In this sense, opting for more windows would be a good choice. Also, make sure there are no major objects obstructing your own Main Door, as you'd want to ensure a smooth flow of Qi is sustained all the way from the Ground level.

Don't be rash if you're thinking of snagging up a Lower Ground unit as your choice of residence. The more you know; the more rational your mind will be when it comes to formulating better purchasing decision. As such, take this article as your first step towards a smarter house hunting session.

Click here to view the review in full.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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