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Joey’s courses have always been interesting and exciting. His excellent grasp and vast knowledge coupled with his good teaching skills have definitely made his courses interesting and exciting. Looking forward to BaZi Module 2 in September.

Lum Soo Peng , Malaysia

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Feng Shui for Your Kid's Room
Source : Creative Home (Sep Issue)
Date : 1 Sep 2013
by Joey Yap

You can incorporate these easy and simple Feng Shui methods to begin changes in your kid's little sanctuary; and also find your own version of fun in fundamental!

Truth to be told, there's simply no hard and fast rule pertaining to the position of your kids' room. There is however, one position you need to be extra careful of this year. According to the annual Flying Star chart, the 5 Yellow Star located at the Southeast sector of your home could potentially induce a series of mishaps or accidents to your children, if this spot is unwittingly utilised as your children's bedroom. As such, place some metal objects like brass, copper or iron in this sector to offset the negative energies, or better yet, just relocate or hinder from using this sector altogether, to be on the safe side.

What should I be concerned of?

The first factor: the shape of the room. As a rule of thumb, go for conventional shapes like square or rectangle, as it can sustain a natural flow of Qi in your kid's room. Bear in mind that these conventional shapes keep your whole house balanced, thus avoiding a discord in the flow of Qi. Never forget the details on the ceiling as well. Certainly, you don't want your child to behave agitatedly or in a rebellious manner, hence, avoid a slanted or downward ceiling! If that doesn't emulate a viable option for you, move your kid's bed to the higher end of the ceiling as this can, at the very least, downplay the negative energies there.

How do I make sure everything is alright?

Some of us would find ourselves with an incessant need to make sure everything is in the picture perfect condition. That being said, certain factors are nothing but an aesthetic upsurge to the whole room. Colours of the room, for instance, play nothing but a psychological effect to the occupants. Feel free to have fun and let your creativity reigns; choose sombre colours like black, white or grey, or go tropical hues if your children pique an interest in them. Don't restrain yourself unnecessarily as the choice is practically endless, and ultimately, ensure your children are 100% comfortable with the decor.

The next time you pass by your kid's room, take a second look, and perform these simple assessment tests. Answer the questions above, make the necessary changes and voila, you're one step closer to a more well-balanced kid's room. Remember, happy children make a pair of happy parents; so bring some smiles to your households today!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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