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Are You on the Right Career Track
Source : SME (Oct Issue)
Date : 1 Oct 2013
by Joey Yap

A job is something adults in our contemporary world engage in on a daily basis. For most of us, a life without work is unimaginable or more precisely, unsustainable. But how many of us feel like we're stuck in a rote job that is meaningless, joyless, and unable to engage with our passion or excitement? You, like everyone else, may have wondered if you sometimes life your life on auto-pilot where your career is concerned. Have you taken a step back to consider if the job you're in right now is the job you really want? Have you thought about where this job will take you, and whether it brings you closer toward fulfilling your goals and objectives? Do you know if your current job is stretching your talents and capabilities while making the most of your strengths, and providing you not just with financial remuneration but mental and emotional fulfillment, as well? In other words, how are you to determine you're on the right career track?

This is where Chinese astrology, or BaZi, can help. Using BaZi to help you figure out if you're on the right career track based on your individual BaZi Profile. Your BaZi Profile is tabulated using your birth date and your BaZi chart. While studying your BaZi chart in detail can reveal so much about your past, present and future in all aspects of life, for the purpose of this article it's sufficient that you log on to, key in your birth date, and get your BaZi Profile.

Your BaZi Profile is a useful starting point from which to analyse your career path, as your Profile reveals your 'style' in life - it's about the different roles you perform when you go out into the world and enter into relationships, or engage with others, or how you manifest your actions in what you do for a living. Tailoring your career path to your Profile will ensure that you are in sync with what you are really inclined to do, as opposed to being 'at war' with yourself.

Navigating Your Career Track with a General Guide to the Ten Profiles

  • The Warrior Profile (Seven Killings)
    If you're Warrior Profile, your style of work involves strategy and hands-on activity. You work hard, identify problems easily, and set to go about solving it. However, it is hard for you trust others easily. As such, you will generally tend to do well in job roles that require you to provide solutions, or run the ship - such a managerial role. You also make good leaders and strategists (ie. business restructuring).You will do well in the corporate environment, where it's a dog-eat-dog world! You also thrive in civil service and law, and the military. In terms of leadership, you'll also feel comfortable as life coaches and trainers, or for business and sports.

  • The Diplomat Profile (Direct Officer)
    If you're a Diplomat Profile, your style of work tends to revolve around support and nurturance, which is what you provide in spades for others. You find the middle ground among disparate people and factions, as befits your 'diplomat' name and smooth things over. You are precise and proficient and like to improve on existing things. You don't do well in competitive, cut-throat environments. You will be good in the role of a middle manager, or that of a counselor or therapist. Your nurturing side also finds fulfillment in medicine - whether as a doctor or nurse. You'll do well in social work and conflict resolution, as well as in politics at the grassroots level or in civil service.

  • The Analyzer Profile (Direct Resource)
    If you're an Analyzer Profile, your style of work involves analysis! You work hard at comprehending and understanding systems, facts, ideas, and numbers. You invest in the knowledge you learn, and create and engineer organizational systems. As such, you'll work well as researchers or developers in the sciences, including social and computer science. In politics, you'll gravitate towards policies and law. You're good with numbers, so you'll be comfortable as financial analysts, advisors, investors, or fund managers. Economics will also speak to you! Because of your respect for knowledge and knowledge processes, you'll also do well in education and academia.

  • The Philosopher Profile (Indirect Resource)
    If you're a Philosopher Profile, your style of work tends to focus on ideas and strategies. You have a unique vision and way of thinking, and you will feel stifled if you're not allowed to be creative. You're also very independent and curious, and routine jobs will suppress your inclination. You can be focused and insightful, and do well working independently instead of in sustained team or group work. As such, you'll be happy indulging your creativity in the arts, or working in research that is unique and groundbreaking. You'll fit well in academia, but can navigate comfortably between the sciences and the arts depending on your interests. You can also be surprisingly adept in finance and economics as a strategist, thinker, or theorist.

  • The Performer Profile (Hurting Officer)
    If you're a Performer Profile, your style of work flashy, exuberant, and creative. You come up with all the ideas. You work hard and are very focused and committed to delivering results. You like to be the star, which can be pretty exhausting for others, but at the same time you can inspire and energise the people around you. As such, you'll do well as educators or consultants, for example in advertising, marketing, or branding. You can come up with out-of-the-box ideas. It goes without saying that you'll be comfortable in the arts, especially in performing arts or the entertainment industry. You will also thrive as designers - interior, or clothing, and as motivational speakers. You need a hob that incorporates change, excitement, and unpredictability.

  • The Artist Profile (Eating God)
    If you're an Artist Profile, your style of work also favours the creative and the non-routine, but in a quieter, more introspective way. You're not interested in being the star. You're independent, clever, and very creative, and you enjoy being prolific and being exposed to new thoughts and ideas. You're one of the Profiles that work best autonomously, and you will thrive when working on your own. You are likely to work in arts fields as writers, critics, journalists, or in other ways like a gallery or museum curator. You may also succeed as an artist, writer, or poet. You'll also enjoy immersing yourself in books and knowledge and may find a good life in academia and scholarship.

  • The Leader Profile (Rob Wealth):
    If you're a Leader Profile, then it goes without saying that your style of work involves taking the lead! You have a lot of initiative and like to be at the forefront, and dislike being at the backend following instructions. You like building connections, and dislike working alone - working with people, in teams, is when you thrive. You thrive in jobs that allow you to exercise your sense of initiative at the forefront - so being brand consultants or leaders, as well as CEOs, suit your temperament. You like being 'the face' of something you do. You are good at taking risks with money, so jobs as investors, traders, or venture capitalists suit you, as well. You'll do well in public relations, advertising, branding, event management, and even sales. Depending on your inclination, the entertainment industry will suit you as well - less as the star consultant or manager or CEO.

  • The Friend Profile (Friend):
    As the Friend Profile, your work style involves connection and engagement. You're good at delegating work to people as you're sensitive to others' strengths and weaknesses. You are food at persuading and negotiating, and like being in the middle of things as opposed to on the outside. As such, you're good in the job of consultants and advisors, or in sales positions that require you to win people over. You will also be excellent in customer service positions. You can also thrive as top-level management because you know how to harness the proper resources to the proper people and talent. You'll thrive in public relations, marketing, sales, and event management or even in business. You'll also do well in team sports, as coaches or consultants.

  • The Pioneer Profile (Indirect Wealth):
    As the Pioneer Profile, your work style involves taking authority and creating action. You're not one to take things slowly or carefully. Instead, you're a livewire of energy and are quick thinking and fast in solving problems and finding solutions. You're good at managing trouble, and dislike having to do things by the book and being restricted by too many rules and “shoulds”. As such, you're a visionary leader who makes decisions and whom others turn to, so you thrive in leadership, managerial positions. You're a risk-taker, and so you will do well in entrepreneurship where you think up tings and ideas from scratch. You'll also be good as independent consultants, financiers, and investors because you take bold risks. You'll do well in business and the corporate world, and can also dream up good plans and structures in leadership roles in sales, marketing, and advertising.

  • The Director Profile (Direct Wealth):
    As the Director Profile, your work style involves bringing organization, structure, and order to chaos. You are principled and ethical, and committed to taking the high road. You also adhere to discipline, are committed to seeing things through till the end, and are good at managing finances. You are enforcers and reformers, and will thrive as operational managers. You will be good at all types of management, but financial management will combine two of your strengths. You will also be fulfilled in law and as public officials, or even as religious authorities if spirituality is strong part of your foundation.

With these guidelines above, you can assess where you are in your career track right now and see it id matches with your Profile. Sometimes the problem is about your immediate job role - you find yourself struggling in an independent, face-based job role when you will be better off working in teams with lots of other people in a fast-paced job that involves lots of social interactions. Or perhaps the reverse is true. Sometimes, you're in the right job role, but perhaps you simply need to find a similar position in another industry. Maybe you're doing a routine, desk-based job when your true inclination is for something creative and independent.

Of course, for a detailed, thorough assessment of your specific unique talents and capabilities as seen in your BaZi chart, you will do well to set up a BaZi consultation with a professional, or take up a BaZi class or workshop to analyse your chart on your own. The Ten Profiles should be used as a general benchmark only; however, it can still help you make an initial assessment of your career track and help you to move in the right direction!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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