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An eye-opening course. Contents presented are simple and easy to understand, and are applicable in most situations. Joey has presented the contents in a humorous and practical way. Excellent work, Joey. Thanks and looking forward to using the information taught.

Cheryl Lim Lee Ann, Singapore

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Galloping For Great Health
Source : Glow Magazine (Jan Issue)
Date : 1 Jan 2014
by Joey Yap

Joey says: The Horse is in for a good year but do be weary of minor problems along the way. Be especially careful when handling sharp metal tools, even in the kitchen, as injuries are likely. Also keep a lookout for blood-related or gynaecological complications.

Glow says: To stay in great health, remember to drink lots of water to help flush away unwanted bacteria and keep fruits high in antioxidants handy like cranberries and pomegranates.


Joey says: Your health may be a concern this year, especially if you're on the road a lot as accidents are likely. Be responsible while on the road whether you are behind the wheel or a pedestrian and avoid taking dangerous shortcuts. Unhealthy food will lead to a decrease in energy and vitality, so strive to eat balanced meals and make small healthy changes that you can maintain consistently.

Glow says: If you find yourself falling asleep or not being able to focus while driving, salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids and it also helps your body build up muscles and energy. Avoid fatty, deep fried food.


Joey says: The playful Monkey has a great forecast for health this year. Just be extremely careful when it comes to your activities as the stars predict accidents with injuries as a result of it. Exercise caution and avoid dangerous or risky activities such as extreme sports.

Glow says: Go the extra mile to avoid injuries by doing a simple warm-up before exercising. A good stretch and you can stay away from cramps or pulled ligaments. When you are done, don't forget to cool down too.


Joey says: For the Rooster, the health outlook this year is bleak with potential illnesses on the horizon. Don't take your health for granted and if any symptoms arise, no matter how small, pay a visit to your GP. Your immune system is forecasted to be weaker this year, so it's vital that you make changes to your diet and fitness regime.

Glow says: To strengthen your immune system, experts recommend almonds, as they are packed with vitamin E and manganese, an immune-boosting combo. Also, add more mushrooms to your diet as they increase the production of white blood cells, which helps you fight off infections.


Joey says: Your overall health outlook is average, so although there is no need to worry too much, you still need to maintain a healthy diet and consistent exercise regime. Do watch out for injuries, accidents and bloodrelated illness and avoid getting extreme sports or risky activities which will put you at greater risk.

Glow says: Most of us fail to meet our dietary recommendations due to our lifestyles so taking a multivitamin once a day is an easy way to fill in the gaps. While a multivitamin is not a substitute for healthy food and lifestyle, it can provide a nutritional back up for a less than ideal diet.


Joey says: The Pig needs to beware this year as your sign is prone to joint injuries and muscle sprains. Be careful if you are required to do any strenuous lifting and exercise more. The physical activity will increase your fitness levels.

Glow says: Build up the barrier to future joint related issues with a daily dose of glucosamine. However, do speak to your pharmacist before picking up the dietary supplement especially if you are allergic to shellfish as glucosamine extracts are usually derived from crustaceans.


Joey says: You are at risk of injuries and accidents this year, especially while driving or when on the road. The Rat is also at risk of blood-related illness, or injuries that could cause a loss of blood. Unfortunately you will need to look out for stomach illnesses and stomach upsets throughout the year.

Glow says Diet plan: With stomach ailments shadowing you this year, you should keep some heartburn and gastro related medicine handy. Be sure to load up on probiotics with yoghurt and it would be a good idea to have a couple of charcoal pills with you too.


Joey says: If you are an older Ox, you need to pay special attention to your diet this year as you are at risk of stomach infections or potential digestion-related illness. If a minor health issue keeps reoccurring, be sure to check with your GP immediately. The Ox is also at risk of easily contracting other illnesses as well due to a bad diet, so you'd do well eating healthily this year.

Glow says: If gastric complications are a concern, up your intake of garlic and ginger as both have anti-bacterial properties that help in staving off unwanted digestive bacteria.


Joey says: It's not a bad year for you as far as health goes, although your may be prone to falling ill often, but expect nothing more than minor colds and trifles. You should be on the lookout for any afflictions that involve your stomach and avoid eating too much fried and processed food. You will also be prone to injuries this year, most likely afflicting areas like your abdomen, waist and back.

Glow says: Stock up on flu medication so that you can beat back those irritating sniffles when they crop up. Also, take a weekly dose of vitamin C to help boost your resistance to colds.


Joey says: It's a great year for the Rabbit. This is a stable and relatively positive year for you. In general, you can expect to enjoy good physical wellbeing as long as you continue to maintain healthy eating habits and exercise regularly.

Glow says: A well-balanced lifestyle and good eating habits will ensure your continuous path of good health. But all work and no play will make anyone miserable. Be sure to reward yourself with something healthy. We suggest dark chocolate for its high concentrations of potassium, magnesium and iron. It's happy and healthy food.


Joey says: The Dragon will see themselves falling sick, especially so if they live with a spouse or family member who is consistently ill, so take extra measures to protect your immune system. This year also sees you being prone to small wounds or accidents but despite that, you have auspicious luck in the form of help and treatment from capable medical professionals.

Glow says: Make it your mission to get your family on the right path. Set a good example and start with oats for breakfast, daily doses of multivitamin supplements and weekly pops of vitamin C should do the trick.


Joey says: The snake should watch out for pain related to the veins and eyes. Also playing a role are blood pressure issues. It is advised that the snake pay extra attention to their medical check-up results and start adopting a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Glow says: Keep good and regular habits with regards to your eye's health. Natural tears and saline will help. Adopt fruits high in flavonoids and vitamin C like grapefruit to rejuvenate blood vessels.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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