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Identifying A Difficult Person Using BaZi Profiling
Source : SME (May Issue)
Date : 1 May 2014
by Dato Joey Yap

In last month's article, I talked about how a person's BaZi Chart (Four Pillars of Destiny) can be used to categorise people. Each person has many different qualities and they have one of five BaZi Structures. This month, I want to share with you some insight into handling each of these five Structure types when the person in question is going through a period of 'extreme' behaviour. This occurrence is caused by an imbalance in the elements in the persons BaZi chart. When this happens, the person in question becomes very difficult to handle.

By determining which extreme Structure type a difficult person possesses , you can not only determine which individuals are likely to be difficult people, but you can determine HOW that difficult person's 'difficultness' will manifest itself.

Elemental Extremists

From last month's article, we know that there are five basic BaZi Structure types are Wealth, Influence, Output, Resource and Companion. In certain instances, a basic BaZi Structure becomes an "Extreme" variant. Here, the negative characteristics of each Structure type will manifest themselves more strongly than the positive characteristics.

Let's look at how the "Extreme" Variants of each of those Structure types would manifest, and how best to deal with these individuals. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to the extreme manifestations of each of these five basic Structure types as Extreme Wealth, Extreme Output, Extreme Resource, Extreme Influence and finally, Extreme Companion.

Extreme Wealth Structure:

Control freaks, poor delegation skills, overly-responsible, unable to be a team-player. Uses intimidation, power play and bully tactics to get their way. Highly judgemental, and often holds others to their own standards, which are usually absurdly high. Extreme perfectionists. In a work environment, all of the above inevitably makes them unpopular with subordinates. Other employees will eventually catch onto the power games they are playing and may rally against the person. Office politics distract from work that needs to be done so productivity will take a dip when this person is around and in their extreme state.

Extreme Output Structure:

Know-it-all, highly critical, poor receptiveness to suggestions, big picture types, blunt and forceful, egotistical, superiority/God Complex. Exhibit a strong preference for the new and the untested, keen to try out unconventional approaches or tactics. Extreme contrarian approach. Lone ranger. This person represents a dangerous combination! In their extreme state of mind, they are willing to take unprecedented risks. These may or may not produce results; the problem here is that even when other people may advise them - wisely - against a course of action, they are likely to ignore this advice and press ahead with what they have decided upon anyway. The outcome here depends on whether or not they truly know what they are doing. Their critical jibes can bring down team or company morale.

Extreme Resource Structure:

procrastinator, over-thinker, pedantic, circular thinking or approach, unable to commit or make a 'big decision', complainers, people who refuse responsibility, don't step up to the plate and look to hide their mistakes. Poor focus, lack of guts. Forgetful, prone to losing important documents, and glossing over details. To put it simply, this person does not get things done when their Structure is manifesting it's extreme qualities! If this person is in any kind of position of authority then big problems lie ahead. Their complaining and inability to make progress can kill a project dead.

Extreme Influence Structure:

Too nice, and so gets nothing done because they can't get anyone to do anything. Poor tolerance for conflict. Bland and lacking in any opinion or thoughts. Yes-men, even when they can't deliver. Never lead, prefer to follow. Sneaky as they tend to complain behind your back. Poor decision-making skills. Lack guts and fearful of offending people. The key problem here is that Influence Structure people are so nice and passive that the problems they create may go unnoticed until it is too late. They may agree to do things they cannot do and only when push comes to shove does the truth come out. In addition, they are unlikely to innovate or go beyond what is asked for them.

Extreme Companion Structure:

Manipulative, arrogant, demanding, unstructured approach to things, moody, insensitive, selfish, easily offended, insincere. Problems arise because when Companion Structure people are in an extreme frame of mind they only think about what is in it for them. This means that unless something directly benefits them they are unlikely to pursue it; making them a very poor team player. In addition they may be prone to walk all over those who are weaker than them which can create brewing resentment in the workplace. They may also be unwilling to change their ways, explaining that they are simply part of "who they are". This makes them appear even more selfish.

So, I've just outlined the basic traits you can expect from each Extreme variant of the five basic Structures. The power dynamics of your relationship with this Difficult Person will typically yield a more precise insight into how their 'difficultness' will manifest. For example, an Extreme Wealth profile superior will have difficulty delegating and may micro-manage to an excessive level. An Extreme Wealth client would be extremely focused on wringing out as much benefits as possible for the lowest cost (an extreme manifestation of responsible financial attitudes) whilst demanding daily update reports on what is going on with their project or job. Next month: how to deal with each type of Extreme profile's 'difficultness'.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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