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Handling A Difficult Boss Through BaZi Profiling
Source : SME (June Issue)
Date : 1 Jun 2014
by Dato Joey Yap

Most people have worked for a 'difficult' boss. If you haven't had the 'pleasure' yet then it is almost assured that at some point you will find yourself working with or for someone who makes unreasonable demands of you.

When we encounter a difficult person at work it is in one of two capacities. They are either in an inferior position ie: they are one of your employees or they are in a superior position ie: they are above you on the corporate ladder! When an employee, subordinate or even colleague is being disruptive or unproductive it is relatively easy to sort things out - you can sit down with the person and tell them to clean up their act or in the case of them being a client you could even choose to stop doing business with them. When someone above you is manifesting the Extreme qualities of their Structure as described by their BaZi Chart then you have your work cut out for you. You can't go behind your bosses back to complain about them, you can't ask them to work in a different position or different department, you can't fire your boss and usually pointing out their shortcomings will get you nowhere fast!

This month, we will look at how you can deal with those in a superior position who are being difficult. These strategies may seem as if they don't directly benefit you but people do take notice at work when you are helping keep things moving and in the long run, promotions are a likely outcome of effectively handling others around you.

Dealing with the Extreme Wealth Structure Boss: if you work for an Extreme Wealth type then you will need to let them feel like they are in charge at all times to avoid getting on their bad side. You may need to make a concerted effort to prove that you can successfully meet targets and complete tasks on your own to encourage them to delegate to you. Issues here will arise from the fact that Extreme Wealth types in a position of authority will be unable to trust anyone else to do anything properly for fear of taking the wrap themselves for poor work. They can bully others into doing things for them and you may find them quite intimidating. The best thing to do here is to first earn their trust and approval by asking to be given a responsibility of some kind - perhaps you could ask to help them complete a project which is stressing them out.

Dealing with the Extreme Output Structure Boss: these people often take what can only be described as risky decisions when in their Extreme state. This may be fine and well but if they decide on the wrong course ahead and things fail then you may well find yourself on a sinking ship! If you really object to a course of action which they, as your superior, have decided upon - that is to say that you can clearly see how it may be ill advised - then you do may have a duty to tell them of this. The issue here is that Extreme Output types are egotistical so any attempt to point out flaws in their plans will not sit well with them. They simply do not take suggestions on board and the more you object the more engrained they become in their thinking in an effort to prove you wrong! You will need to approach them side on instead of head on.

Dealing with the Extreme Resource Structure Boss: if your superior is an Extreme Resource Structure type then you are presented with a unique problem. They are not well suited to leading others when in their Extreme state because they simply can't make decisions or stay focused! Fortunately for you they do not thrive on conflict and so they may well hear out advice that you give. Suggest that they take on a personal assistant or even offer to help organise things for them.

Dealing with the Extreme Influence Structure Boss: in all likelihood, you may find it rare to be below a person of this Structure in the corporate ladder. Their calm demeanour and lack of assertive traits makes it unlikely that they will get ahead. You will need to make the decisions and initiative here and so depending on your own disposition working for these people can either be a blessing or curse.

Dealing with Extreme Companion Structure Boss: if your boss or superior is an Extreme Companion type then you will probably find yourself describing them as "unreasonable" - it may seem like they can demand anything they want from you but you cannot point out the slightest flaw in their work or approach! If you want to stay in their good books, do your best to live up to their expectations and do not take what they say to you at face value. Develop a thick skin as they can easily offend you and you will need to learn to accept this. The best thing to do here is to give them safe deadlines.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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