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This is my 2nd trip with you to China and again a great experience. Now I am able to see the mountains in the way of Feng Shui. Thank you for being my teacher.

Ingrid Huse, Germany

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Understanding Feng Shui Audits
Source : iProperty (July Issue)
Date : 1 Jul 2014
by Dato Joey Yap
The terminology may be familiar but what does it actually do?

Before understanding what a Feng Shui audit entails, one has to first understand what ‘Feng Shui' is. An ancient art and science originating from China with its origins shrouded in myth and folklore, it dates back to at least 3000 years although some sources indicate it can be traced as far back as 5000 years ago. The ancient Chinese believed that the energies or forces in a land could either make or break a kingdom. These energies, known as Qi, are everywhere and permeate everything. It is a natural phenomenon of the living environment and can be likened to a flow of energy around as well as through the body, forming a cohesive, functioning unit. As such, it became important to be able to tap and harness the Qi of the living environment in order to help endeavours in life.

Feng Shui was developed for this purpose. It is the art and science of recognizing and harnessing Qi by assessing the quality of life via observations and analysis of the environment. A Feng Shui audit is thus an essential process and tool in understanding how the energies in your living environment affect you. One of the processes in an audit or consultation consists of a mathematical analysis of the property based on the orientation and the time in which the occupants moved in. The occupants' birthdates provide the Gua numbers which are also used in this analysis to discern what sort of influences are affecting the property at specific location at a specific time and what sort of effect it has on every occupant.

However is it important to understand that a Feng Shui audit is more than just unfurling your house plans and plotting some charts. It is one of the most common mistakes made by amateur practitioners or enthusiasts. Despite the cliché impression of an elderly Chinese gentleman walking around with a "Luo Pan" or Feng Shui compass, the need for a physical assessment of the property's external environment by an experienced practitioner is considered one the most important part of an audit. A house plan will not reveal the external features and landforms - all of which will determine the overall quality of Feng Shui for the property. Subtle details of the land, whether they exert a negative or positive influence on the property, can only be evaluated by the trained expertise of a Feng Shui consultant.

Another thing to understand about a Feng Shui audit is that it is not the magic bullet for all your problems. At the same time, not every Feng Shui related problem can be fixed as well. Many of those who turn to Feng Shui are under the misguided impression that it is the miracle cure to their woes. While it may be true that classical Feng Shui is dynamic in nature, it cannot move mountains - both literally and figuratively. Things which are part of the external environment, whether natural or man-made, are most of the time beyond our ability to change or control. In such situations, what a Feng Shui audit can do is to actually help devise short-term solutions to counteract negative impacts that any undesirable external features may have on the occupants of the property.

Most importantly, don't place your trust in Feng Shui ornaments and knick-knacks. A classically trained Feng Shui consultant will tell you these objects are more of a cultural significance rather than having any true impact on the flow of Qi in your environment.

What a Feng Shui audit can do for you as well is to actually determine the suitability of a property for its occupants. As mentioned earlier, part of the process involves calculations based on the occupants' Gua numbers to ascertain the sort of influence the overall environment of the property may have on them. Bear in mind while a property may allow a specific occupant to flourish and prosper, it doesn't mean it will have equal bearing on everybody else.

This is why a comprehensive Feng Shui audit is important as it will not only cover a physical assessment of the environment, it will also include a complete analysis based on three essential things: the house plan, birth information of all occupants and the occupants' questions and point of enquiries relating to the property.

A Feng Shui audit may seem like a whimsical luxury for some. In actuality, it is more like an investment in your future, especially if the property is one you intend to stay in. An early audit of the property before purchase would save the potential owner from a whole lot of hardship later on in the event it has poor Feng Shui qualities or if it proves to be a poor match for the occupants. Sometimes it just stems from the reluctance and fear of hearing bad news about your investment or the possibility of other costs it may incur from having to renovate.

Consider this, if you are willing to spend thousands or perhaps even millions on the home of your dreams then you might as well go the long haul. A comprehensive Feng Shui audit will not only give you and your loved ones some peace of mind, it may also help you maximize the potential of your property to help you prosper.

Get in touch with Joey Yap Consulting Group at +603 - 2284 1213 or email to for a personal property consultation. Make changes and invite harmony and well-balanced outlook to your property today!

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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