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Yearly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
Date : 1 Nov 2014
by Dato Joey Yap


During the year 2015, both your creative and intellectual energies will soar placing you in a much better situation than your opponents. Follow your instincts as they will lead you down a smoother path thanks to the help of the Elegant Seal Star. From there you will find poise, enlightenment and liberation to help you make better decisions in your life. Take control of your career and business as this is the year of prosperity for you especially if you are into the arts. You will be seen, your essence will radiate and you will inspire all with your burning passion. Take that educational or artistic course you have been planning for so long as it will give you a boost to the top.

Relaxation is essential to your success so do not let it fade away within all the excitement. Let the Sword Edge Star remind you of your fragile state and make the necessary planning now to start living a healthier lifestyle. Get that sufficient sleep, eat correctly, exercise more, meditate and make room for some more recreational activities so stress cannot get a hold on you.

Do not allow your personal life to be compromised due to your focus on success. Remember to rely on your support system, as your family and friends will be there for you. Petty squabbles are foreseen by the Hidden Corpse Star it is likely caused by irritation, intolerance and narrowness experienced at work or in your business. Learn to adapt, stay cool and live in peace with those closest to you.

All is not as it seems and the Grand Duke Star foresees rocky roads mixed in with your tides of creativity and success. Do not look at these challenges as waterfall never to be conquered but rather a river to swim through. Focus your energy, stay calm and you will overcome the rapids with ease. Don’t forget to rely on you support system when clarity and vigor eludes you as family opens new possibilities to the mind.

Lady luck will visit in moderation this year so prepare well for financial disruptions. You will have to put in a little extra time to reap the benefits be it in his work or his business. Additionally, you will find life a little more comfortable, as recognitions come your way for your creativity and possibilities of promotions are also present.

Do not succumb to the temptation of a quick and easy way out as it will lead to the wrong path. Stay alert, be smart and strategize before making a move. Be precise with instructions and listen to your superiors or you will risk making the wrong decisions that might jeopardize your future endeavors.

Care tenderly for your relationships and avoid searching for Mr. or Ms. Perfect this year. Issues are on the rise but tender, loving and care will keep your special love close at hand. For married couple, put in a little more time when it comes to resolving an issue.

Medical concerns may worry you therefore it is prudent to have a full and complete health examination at the start of the year. Eliminate threats before they take hold and adjust to a healthy living as your health may take a turn for the worse this year. However, there’s nothing a balanced lifestyle, good diet and healthy exercise regime couldn’t solve.

Life will be offering amazing things this year so embrace new opportunities and experiences but keep your life balanced and stress free. Keep calm and give the needed attention to your support system that they deserve. 2015 is a good year so live life to the fullest and reap the rewards.


There is professional and personal growth on the horizon this year. Positivity and level-headedness is of vital importance as you will ultimately be setting your own limits. Also in your favor is the Sun Star, offering the greatest of power and positivity out of the four Nobleman Stars. Promotions, opportunities and new business ventures will come knocking at your door leading to more wealth. Each opportunity you take will be rewarded and noticed by those in the management. You will easily influence others and make new bonds.

The Red Matchmaker Star is smiling on you, bringing forth great prospects and popularity in your life and work. Keep your focus on your goals and do not allow the grandeur in life to distract you. It is also a good idea to keep your support system close. Keep your balance with the Robbery Sha Star in sight this year and do not forget where you come from or where you are headed. It is wise to divide your health, social life and profession responsibly and equally.

The Red Matchmaker Star is visiting this year bringing abundant joy with family and friends to you. Now is the time to find that special someone if you’re ready to embark on a new romantic relationship. If you are planning on getting married, this year is perfect. Marriages will sparkle in splendor with the correct attention given. Overall, this would be a great year for single Monkey in search of love.

The presence of the Sky Emptiness Star plus the Solitary Star will strike confusion and doubt into your life leaving you feeling lonely although you are surrounded by love. You will feel a need to build walls instead of fences. Do not keep your suffering inside and everyone out this year. Keep a clear mind and focus on the people around you and do not give in to temptation.

This year, mountains in your path are actually only little rocks, pick them up and throw them away. Make thorough plans and even backup plans, then stick to them, do not get side tracked and you will rise. Even though the Emptiness Star would have the tendency to make your life more challenging this year by showing you difficulties where there are none, it pays to be aware of the bigger goals ahead. This Star ultimately brings forth a feeling of isolation although you are surrounded by love. You have to fight the urge to sit in lonely corners as you are never alone, remind yourself of this constantly.

Embrace the productivity that you will find professionally as well as socially while listening to your consciousness. 2015 will also bring forth some challenges but you can pass these easily by keeping a clear head, being positive and surrounding yourself with a loving support group.

Steering clear of risky setups and your finances will be stable. Additional income may come your way from the opposing gender. Make conventional choices while avoiding risky or short term opportunities. The opposing gender may also bring direction and care at work revealing amended conditions. Improve your standing by showcasing your capabilities this year and reap the rewards it will bring.

Your life will be filled with many opportunities this year, although it still pays to keep an eye on your health. It pays to manage your time well and avoid overwhelming yourself at work. With all the events to unfold stay focused and keep your loved ones close and you will succeed this year.


2015 may be a stable year for you and by attending to your family and spending your time making memories with loved ones it will ultimately enrich your life. Money cannot make the world whole as it could all fall to pieces in a blink, but love will prevail all else. Therefore, bear in mind that family commitments should not be pushed aside for wealth.

2015 is going to be a fruitful year for you. To start off, you will be able to discover your potential on all playing fields. This will be a year of learning so do not be afraid to try as the sun shines after each storm. Your anticipated victory lies beyond all the troubles you will face.

Your family and home will most likely become your pillar of support this year as the Earth Killing Star moves into your view. With it also come professional opportunities, so pay extra attention to details and plan everything while also leaving space to complete tasks ahead of time. Keep in mind that obstacles may become apparent but they can be dealt with swiftly.

Never give in and have faith in yourself no matter what, as you can achieve great things this year. As you enter 2015 you need to prepare for some problems on your path although all you will learn will be worth it. Use fear as your stepping stones to rise above your problems and never give up for you are a fighter. Heart is where you will find home so stay focused on your concerns but allow your heart to lead you in love.

Do not spend hastily as finances might be on a tight rope this year. Develop a budget and keep to it in order to avoid losses. This year may not be good for making great economic resolutions so let them slide and wait for a better time. Formulate plans for changes professionally as your work seems to be coming apart at the seams but there are other options awaiting you. Face your challenges, make deadlines and be on your toes by prioritizing.

Lady luck will not be visiting the singles this year so focus your attention on other sections of your life. Couples may need to concentrate on spending more quality time and keeping harmony in their lives as distressful situations may pop up. Health is always in the forefront so take care to keep your stress levels low and live a healthy lifestyle. Injuries lay in waiting so stay clear of any activities that could cause harm and you will be safe.

Spend quality time with your loved ones and pay attention at work while staying organized. Live a balanced lifestyle and do not spend all your time developing your career or business while forsaking your health. You have many new experiences waiting for you and come out stronger on the other side.


If your approach is correct, this year will yield many rewards for you. Through the ups and downs that lay ahead for you this year, you need to stay focused and you will come out triumphant on the other side. Consider thoroughly all you do this year as well as the way you are doing them. The Moon Star will have your back this year promising great treasures as well as success. Female superiors at work or women that are part of your life will also be able to aid you this year in getting things running smoothly.

Focusing your desires and profession will lead you to reaching your goals. However do not jump hastily at new endeavors as you will need to first gain insight, understand the bigger picture to become successful. Consider thoroughly before investing, so you may not be fooled by your desires and then lose your integrity in the process.

You can handle whatever it is that will come your way if you keep a level head and stay calm. When the Hook Spirit Star and the Piercing Rope Star come into your life, you must first concentrate on setting authentic, courteous and discreet objectives. Rumors will fill the air causing friction in some parts of your life. In the aftermath, focus on family and your profession as all will pass and return to normal.

Stay alert and focused on sidestepping strenuous situations that could cause you harm as mishaps can be evaded this year. To do so, take cautious steps and you may want to try less risky activities, and stay out of the path of oncoming dangers. The Yellow Flag Star plus the Goat Blade Star brings with them impending dangers and misfortunes that may be in your future but can be overcome.

The combination of the Moon Star and the Earth Relief Star will bring forth many opportunities this year. Keep close to likeminded individuals that can assist you in reaching your objectives. Adjusting your outlook will make your battles seem trivial and they will become easily defeated. Think before making a move, staying nimble and composed will provide you with a cool journey ahead.

This year, lady luck may bring you wealth in abundance if you take action when the time comes, although over-eagerness could end up costing you more. You should consider every opportunity offered this year and determine which will yield greater returns for you. Stay clear of obstacles with knowledgeable allies and all will turn in your favor.

Provide dedication and deliverance at work and you will make your superiors pleased, this may also lead to more success for you. Although some may be jealous of your success, you should keep your head down at work as to not tip the pot to the wrong side.

If your relationship is stable, you can take the next step to tie the knot. For the singles, it may be time to ask your friends to introduce more people to you as luck is not fully at your side this year. Your immune system may be running on fumes and soon you could be falling ill. Take charge and change to a healthy lifestyle with suitable nutrition and steady workouts. If anything feels out of place it may be best to consult a professional.

2015 has much to offer although you should keep your focus while enjoy the pleasures life has to offer. You will be blessed in your work and in love.


This year, positivity will come to you, thanks to the blessing of the Three Stages Star, which denotes professional success. If you work for yourself, this may be the right time to explore new endeavours as they may prove to be very profitable. In other words, thinking outside of the box will bring you financial success. If you are employed, be more productive at work and you will be rewarded for your efforts. Do not go to extremes as tiny conflicts and snags may blur your path.

Take a firm stand professionally as well as personally and focus your life by being equipped for all possibilities. 2015 is a great year to organize your affairs and bring peace into your life. Your path will be rocky at times so be prepared by noticing any possible difficulties before they happen. Ensure you have all the options covered. Allocate the desired time to make things run smoothly and you will prevail.

You will be financially blessed whether self-employed or employed. Although you must still take care as there could be some legal matters heading your way to take some of your wealth away. Keep your temper as conflicts rise and guard against attacks caused by gossip. Do not partake in these as all will settle down soon.

Do not detach yourself from those around you, although you might face the possibilities of betrayal this year. Your success may reveal those envious of you. Your trust in some individuals may be taunted by the Back Poking Star and rumors will surface. You must choose your companions with care.

Keep your eyes set on your goals and remember the three P’s, Preparation, Preparation and more Preparation and you will make it easily through this year. When you feel drained recharge by spending time with those who love you most and do not forget we are all human.

Due to your inclination to ponder on everything this year you might feel like the prey in a hunt. Curb yourself from overthinking things and make a fresh start in your mind to keep standing tall. The Five Ghost Star may unsettle your mind causing unrest causing you to lose your balance. The Sky Cry Star will leave you feeling vulnerable. This may cause you to become irritable.

This is also a good year to practice good interpersonal communication skill. Hence, even though with the Officer Charm Star, the Flying Charm Star as well as the Year Charm Star passing through, you may be able to prevent legal problems, stand firm and defend yourself. Romance is hot this year so if you are single now is the time to make your move. Love is blossoming and will take you to new highest as the year progresses. Stay away from stress causing situations and exercises as injury may also come into your life.

You will be blessed in many ways this year. Share precious moments and fun times with family and friends allowing yourself to keep a clear mind while having sufficient breaks. Your professional life will bring forth much exhilaration, but keep in mind that you will be more functional in a stress-free stable state. Remember to also live a balanced life, eat well, get enough exercise and make time to relax with those who love you.


Your finances will grow this year, leaving you with a smile as the Jade Hall Star enters with promises of professional success. Opportunities and promotions are on the rise and the right people are watching you.

The Sally Pool Star suggests time spend with the love in your life is well deserved. These times are needed as they form the roots of families and a happy home especially if there is kid’s involved. Re-connect and treasure your love as happiness is the key to all in life.

Support and assistance will be available if you ask, as you will be surrounded by people willing to help you. Bear in mind that asking for help does not make you fragile or weak. The Monthly Virtue Star gives strength and confidence that will help to overcome some challenges ahead. Remember that all clouds have a silver lining and there is someone to help within your reach.

Keep your life organized while keeping a stable and sensible mind frame. 2015 brings important lessons and the most obvious is concerning financial conducts. There are signs of financial restrictions as the Lesser Consumer Star rises. Restrain yourself from over spending and try to avoid taking any loans in the financial field. Keep your eyes on your bank account and curb your temptations.

Keep your head down at work as stifles with management may be looming. Hold your tongue and be patient as temper may flare if you lose your cool. Always remember to resolve conflicts with grace to avoid any further issues from rising. With all these changes in your career, you might be tempted to switch job but you should think twice as this is not a good option for you.

Injuries may take its toll on you so take great care when traveling, working with machines, tools or dangerous objects. Your stomach may cause some disruptions as well so keep your diet healthy. Family funerals or those of friends could also be ahead in this year for you.

Do not lose hope as the Monthly Virtue Star lessens the blow of the unfavorable Stars as well as providing you with support and backing from loved ones and friends. Financial gain is there for you with opportunities from other sources. With this year comes a revelation about all your bonds that may prove to be enriching. Get enough rest, stick to a balanced lifestyle and exercise regularly and enjoy all the good that is coming your way.


2015 is the year to take it slow, think things through and consider what it is that you truly want in life. Consider your options with care and make acceptable goals, as you should not aim too high. Dreams are great but set realistic goals that you can reach in the short run and success will come your way. In 2015 you will be seeing the Month Emptiness Star that tells you to set aside your dreams for now and look at goals that are within reach. Running after lofty dreams may cause you disappointment this year.

Make sure you have a backup plan if things do turn sour and be fully aware of the details concerning your activities. Your main challenge this year is that you focus too much on lofty goals. Keep yourself grounded and you will be capable of handling all situations with care. Do not be discouraged at the rise of the Obstacle Star and the Leopard Tail Star. You just need to work a bit harder than your co-workers and you will rise above the situations.

2015 is the perfect year to develop a budget as well as a savings option. Spending is easy and surely always fun but with the Greater Consumer Star on the rise, an eye must to be kept on your spending habits. The Solid Killing Star also comes to light as a reminder to take care and be responsible in all aspects of your life. Care for your valuables and also your paper work, especially if you are planning on traveling this year.

Social relationships must be cared for this year so work fostering closer ties with those close to you. Be kind and patient with others and show your appreciation. With the Triple Punishment Star, you may end up on the wrong side of family arguments and the Broken Star might cause some tarnished reputation, but do not worry as time heals all. Be friendly, honest and open so people will like you for who you really are.

Winds of change will bring surprising things to light. With the Year Breaker Star, troubles are afoot but no need for worry. Accept the changes that are coming your way, work through the situations as they may arise and stay positive.

Your reality will be as amazing as your dreams and wealth is on its way. Stick to your set budget; do not go off it as you may have urges to spend more this year. It is important to monitor your expenses while weighing the desire and need before letting go of your cash.

Profession changes should wait for another year so stay with what you know best. You may feel the pressure at work and arguments with management might arise. Stay calm and focus on your goals as these will pass in due time. Do not allow your emotions to govern your actions.

As far as love is concerned, for the singles, it may be best to focus on other areas of your life. Couples need to stay calm and find new ways to resolve the situations that they may have. Some medical conditions may be seen this year but with healthy food, enough exercise and good lifestyle choices you can prevail. Take care of your body and keep your stress levels on a low this year.

With the good and the bad to come, keep smiling and looking up as everything is only temporarily. You will end this year on a high note and plenty of reason to smile.


2015 will be one of your greatest years yet. Both your career and your personal life will flourish. Any issues arising will be dealt with swiftly with the aid from friends as well as some of the most auspicious Stars this year. Celebration is indicated by the Sky Happiness Star and it also brings positivity to you. Celebrations will come this year whether it is from marriages and graduations so expect joyous festivities soon.

Thank those who mentored you educationally, those who aided you professionally and also your family and friends. Know that you will never be alone in life as you are surrounded by so many loving people. Take those who have been at your side through it all into consideration as thanks need to be bestowed upon them for always being by your side. We are reminded of this with the rising of the Emperor Star.

Pick your words with care, mind your manners and think before acting to improve your social skills. By not considering your choice of words, you might bring about unintended conflict and offend others. Stay clear of debatable situations or overly sensitive topics. In 2015, you will also see the Death God Star and the Heavenly Officer Charm Star to remind you to be courteous of others.

Even with some bumps on the road ahead, you will come out on top and you will reap the rewards. Know all the facts and you will not be caught off guard when questioned. Ready with a backup plan and you will be prepared to overcome the obstacles ahead. The Brutal Defeat Star will try to throw you off track but have faith as the Emperor Star and Dragon Virtue Star are there to assist you. Therefore you will always have support when you need it.

At work the load will increase and may seem challenging but you will reap the benefits by pushing through and working harder. If you are in need of assistance, find it with those around you. Use your money wisely and try not to spend it recklessly. Use it on something of great value. Even though you may encounter some losses, good fortune is still headed your way.

2015 is promising you romantic luck this year so if you are single go out as that someone special is waiting to be found. Married couples will be celebrating with love and joy in harmony. Couples can go ahead and ask that big question as marriage is in the Stars this year and life will be filled with joy.

With abundant of good blessings this year, you should not forget to maintain a balance lifestyle and eat healthily. Health-wise you need to keep an eye on yourself as disease may come your way. Consult with a professional that can help with your medical problems as luck is on your side. Adapting yourself to a healthier lifestyle can only be good for you and be sure to get enough rest as well as exercises.

By the end of 2015 you will have much to celebrate as well as many stories to tell your grandkids one day. This year is a time for progress and will offer you many blessed times. You will gain love, friendship and guidance from friends, family and even your advisors.


2015 is a year for focusing on your relationships and using the assistance offered by family and friends. Those surrounding you that are honorable will aid you in your success this year. Show your gratitude and keep your associations in good order as it will benefit you in the future. New friends will bring unforeseen changes.

With the General Star present this year, great people will be to guide and uplift you when things are looking bleak in life. Favorable influences from the Sky Relief Star will bring reassurances. This Star can also lessen the impact caused by other negative Stars in addition to aiding you with your support system. You will also have the shielding ability of the Relief God Star on your side this year, helping you to handle situations positively and protecting you from the influence of the negative Stars that is ahead.

Your life may be filled with new bonds, reliable and trusting companions and these should be held close to your heart and not be taken lightly. This year will also see the rise of the Sky Warrior Star that will influence your communication with others. Consider your thoughts and actions, choose your words with care and keep other’s emotions in sight. If situations seem to unravel, consult with your advisors or trusting friend before taking action.

All areas of your life will be enhanced; your relationships, your careers, investments and personal happiness might all flourish this year. 2015 brings along the Golden Lock Star and it shines brightly bringing along great financial returns. Your financial growth may come from anywhere including bonuses or pay increases. This year is not suitable for making new investments as the Great Sha Star is also on the horizon. This Star is also a sign of caution on your spending. Making new transactions could be a bad decision as well for this year.

Due to the many favorable Stars, the blow of dangers will be lessened but care must still be taken when handling machinery, driving or performing dangerous activities. Try avoiding dangerous sports for this year, and mind your safety. Accidents could raise with the Flying Chaste Star, the Instability Star, the White Tiger Star and also the Blood Knife Star all lining up this year.

Investments may come in the areas of shares or properties which will prove to be rewarding. Follow these opportunities to success but be prepared to gaining knowledge on them first. Bonuses or salary rises might also be on their way to you, rewarding your hard work. Greediness may cause some loss so think before spending too easily. Foster closer ties at work with management and co-workers alike to lessen any misunderstandings that may arise and it will also prove to have a positive impact on your career.

Work on your communications and relations to others. Be tolerant and tactful in your dealings and if in doubt consult with your advisors. 2015 will bring forth laughter, friendships and success although you may also want to stay positive when things do seem a bit upside down. Stay confident as the good things will go with you and when the year comes to and end you will be better off. With a constant smile, kindness and care you can accomplish many great things this year and make great friendships.


The Dragons will have an exciting year in 2015. Even though uncertainties are ahead, rest assured that there will always be people to aid you and lessen your load. As the Prosperity Star enters your life, 2015 will bless you with great career influences.

If things have not been the best of late, do not be worried. With the Prosperity Star comes opportunity for promotions and pay rises if all is handled correctly. Another great omen is the Heavenly Star, which reminds you to focus and commit fully as your efforts will be rewarded. A career change may be in the cards with the influence of the Pulling Saddle Star although there is no certainty that it will be the best option to take.

Consider all options with great care; weigh the pros and cons rather than grabbing at the first possibility. Once you have taken a thorough look and committed to your choices, success ought to be within your grasp as the Heavenly Virtue Star exudes its positive influence. If in doubt, talk to a confidant or advisor to clear your mind and it will help you in making great things possible.

These positive Stars will also help you this year by transforming the negatives to positives and lessening the blow of the less favorable Stars. Your obstacles will be minimized and you should be able to achieve your intended goals. The Flying Blade Star brings injury and accidents but not to worry as you have the support of the other two Stars in your favor. Even so, you should still play it safe and take the needed cautions where your health is concerned.

The Lonely Star may also enter your life this year and as its name suggests, you could be plagued by feelings of isolation and loneliness. These negative emotions may be intensified by the Drapes Star in addition to the Curled Tongue Star and the Crossing Sha Star, which may result in mixtures of feelings disrupting a few relationships.

Find suitable company to overcome your feelings of loneliness and dwell in your own pool of sadness. There might be some rumors coming to light causing arguments, stay clear of these to prevent others from getting hurt.

2015 will have a great impact on you and it will be best to tackle life head-on and take action. Commit to your projects and stay dedicated. The couple of minor obstacles that enter your path can be dealt with swiftly and you will not be short of assistance to clear them. Always keep in mind that you are not alone and there are some great Stars on your side this year.

You could experience some speed bumps on your wealth path but with the lucky Stars on your side, you will come out on top. You could have some bonuses or salary boosts and your finances may improve greatly. You may even have a career change coming although you ought to look at all the options and tasks before making a final decision. Stay focused and all will be sorted in due time.

Romance is also in the cards this year and any concerns will be dealt with easily. If you find yourself alone take comfort in those that love you. Do not lend out your ears to rumors as it may cause unpleasantness. Your health will cause no concern for worry but it is still advisable to maintain a great healthy lifestyle.

You have many blessings coming your way but take caution where it is needed. Consult your advisors in time of need and share quality time with family and friends.


2015 will bring plenty of good luck on your way. Personal growth and improvements are in your cards this year as well as career visions and social growth. Go forward with strength, wisdom and experiences gained from those around you. The Eight Seats Star will bring forth personal growth and also prosperity. Use your talents to grow your abilities and take on new responsibilities as you are guided by the Eight Seats star. If you are in the academic related industries, your research or educational work will be boosted by this Star.

You will be moved along swiftly to reach your bigger objectives and prove your talents. Many opportunities will come from where you least expected it. However, caution must still remain.

You will be blessed with positive relationships at work and in your personal life. With the Eight Seats Star, you will receive great support from people around you. Those around you will always be there whether times are good or bad and will aid you in alleviating your sorrows.

The Sky Horse Star will also appear which may bring forth the chance to become part of the jet sets. Travel opportunities could also be coming your way. Take the openings as they are offered for they will broaden your knowledge and helps you achieve your financial goals. With the expansion of international business, foreign travel may be a good idea to making global commitments. Your business opportunities will lead to great profits or even pay rises.

The Sky Dog Star and Funeral Friend Star may cause slight disruptions this year. Do not worry as the Funeral Friend Star is not indication of something morbid, it merely suggests that you could feel the impact of attending or arranging a funeral on your finances. These Stars only suggest that your health and progress may feel the after effects of a funeral with negativity. Try to stay clear of any and all funerals this year.

While your wealth is flowing in take the opportunity to exploit your mind as well. Do not make hasty choices but rather consult with professionals or trusted family members and make an informed decision. Have a look at your unpaid debts and include them in your payments as you may be able to settle it all.

Your professional outlook is extremely positive this year and you could rise in your career with a boost to your income as well. People around you will aid you gladly and you can ask for assistance when needed. Return the favor with kindness and show your appreciation for all they do.

Love is not strong in your cards and singles may not find what they want. It is suggested that you commit to other areas of your life. Couples may have some health issues to deal with but by staying positive and motivating your significant other, all will be fine. Remember to take care of yourself as well, live a healthy life, exercise enough and try to avoid any dangerous situations.

If you keep your focus, spend quality time with loved ones and friends, all will be satisfactory this year. Expect great opportunities and spread your wings wide and far.

Spread your creativity and explore the world as this year will hold great excitement. Opportunities might be plentiful and you will gain greater knowledge while learning new skills. Openings of change will be on your path and you can reach great satisfaction while gaining wealth. 2015 will bring positives, possibilities and promises for you. You will also have deep love from your friends as well as a strong support system.


In 2015 you may want to focus on learning how to take good care of yourself. You may want to try and spread your time equally while inviting calmness and peace in. Keep a positive note and make time for the things you love to do. Balancing your career and personal life is of great importance this year.

The year will bring you great wealth and professional growth. Bear in mind though that your health ought to be placed ahead of your success. Spend your time wisely on cultivating healthy diets, enough sleep and light exercises in your lifestyle. Do not despair as you will always have someone by your side should an illness creep in.

You will have great love and a strong support system when you need it the most with the aid of the Grand Duke Combination Star. Motivation and praise will never be lacking as those you surround yourself with love you deeply. If you do fall into despair, call a friend as you have many that will gladly help you back up.

You must make the needed time to recuperate. Keep your focus and do not allow self-doubt to enter your life. Your emotional and physical state may be influenced negatively by anxiety and pressures this year. As the Surpassing Path Star enters you may feel the after effects of your carelessness within your body and mind. Therefore

Be sure to control your finances, keeping a tight lid on expenses as to limit your financial losses. Great care must be taken in all opportunities as you may fall victim to a thief or spend a little too much. Do not pursue any new undertakings as your wealth luck may run dry. If you have trusting allies turn to them for financial advice as you head into this remarkable year.

You may be facing some unexpected challenges professionally this year and to succeed you will have to keep your focus. Obstacles may blind your way and your workload might be building mountains but do not lose hope, you have what is required to get through it all. These hurdles will allow you to learn new skills and knowledge leading to improvements work wise.

Lucky Stars may be dealing you a loving hand this year so if single and interested take a look as you may find that perfect companion. If you find yourself comfortable with your special partner but you have not yet tied the knot, now might be the perfect time to propose. Provide sufficient time for socializing and you will meet many new friends.

You may have some small health issues creeping up although no major illnesses are expected to befall you. Live a healthy lifestyle just to be on the safe side. Get enough rest as well as exercises in during this year. Your own care is vital this year so do some self-study and plan ahead.

There are many great things awaiting you this year, keep your head high and smile. Your friends and family are with you all the way and love has never been better.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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