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Weekly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
Date : 29 Dec 2014
by Dato Joey Yap

Weekly forecast for 29 December - 4 January 2015

(Updated Every Sunday)


This is not a good week to fight with others over minor affairs when both parties refuse to give in. It will turn out to be a complete waste of time. Energy is not high this week and your stars are not favourable as it relates to personal affairs. Keeping low by staying out of the public eye will guarantee that you accomplish more. Remember that if you can’t find anything polite to say, just don’t say anything at all!


Success will be yours this week as long as you are willing to go the distance. Abandon your normal routine for a while, otherwise you will become uninterested and may become disheartened. Shaking things up will be the key to staying inspired. You will feel burdened as there will be many issues within relationships, so make certain that you have a personal talk with your significant other this week if you think that the relationship is struggling.


This week will be full of changes or expectations of a major change. This opportunity will give you the chance to relocate into a new home or either buy new furniture. Avoid making decisions on your own, and instead talk these things over with your spouse, family, and close friends. Your love luck is strong this week. It is the perfect time to be audacious and less restricted in how you demonstrate your love in your relationship.


This week, you can look forward to minor returns from an investment. You are experiencing this because your money luck is favourable. You will be able to enjoy some profits or a boost in savings and income. It is important to watch out for possible problems at work, though. There may be derailment as it pertains to progress of projects and tasks. Spending time with family and love ones will bring about fulfilment and satisfaction this week.


This week looks good in the area of prosperity as you can look forward to extra money. Proper planning will bring a bonus to enjoy both for now and later. However, don’t spend all of your money. Your luck will be equally upbeat at. All endeavours will turn out well and there is a strong likelihood that you will be in line for a raise, promotion or some other form of career advancement.


Any outcome is possible this week, however, you will get what you desire by being clear and upfront about it. Your fortune this week centres on this principle. Much will remain the same and if you want a better outcome in a particular endeavour, you’re going to have to make it a point to be direct about your needs. This applies to the departments of both work and love. On a good note, family affairs are pleasant this week. It may be a good idea to go on family outings or come together.


Slow luck will be an issue for you this week. You may also feel a decrease in energy level. Due to this, it is best to keep all affairs basic and simple. You should also not take on any massive plans this week either. Many changes will be demanded of you by your boss or customers at your job. It is good to be obliging, however, don’t become a push over, otherwise you’ll discover that people will have no regard for you.


This week, your energy will low. You may feel like your entire week is going horribly and you are not on top of things as usual. When this occurs, don’t beat yourself up about it. Take it easy when it comes to your grand plans. A time comes when everyone must take a step back, gather their energies, and redefine what is truly important to them. Love and romance will prove to be a safe haven where you can retreat from the stresses of the workforce.


This week will start off messy as you will feel disorganised and confused. Avoid taking frustrations out on the people around you both at home and at work. This will create resentment and animosity. Remember that your luck is inauspicious right now, however it will improve. This week will bring possible unwelcomed litigation issues involving legal documents, therefore, be attentive. It is also important to get an extra set of eyes to look over the paper work for you.


You will feel a lot of pressure at work this week as competition becomes increasingly greater. Because your luck is somewhat good, you will likely come out on top. In order to get an edge over others, work harder and more efficiently. It is equally important to keep investments inside the realm of your financial abilities. If not, you will be weighed down by financial worries. Your love life looks rather weak here as well. Money and career will be the centre of your attention.


This is an unpleasant week for you if you own a business, particularly in the department of employees and staff members. The competition is heavy and your competitors may be trying to steal some of your best employees. For that reason, you will have to make certain that you effectively handle any issues your employees might be having. Leave your work place problems at work and do not bring them home with you. There will not be much support or sympathy at home. You will do better by finding other ways to get rid of stress and worry, such as through sport, recreation or exercise.


Even though you truly desire to rush through a project, make sure to thoroughly check each step for accuracy and precision because mistakes are likely. This week will be up and down regarding luck as things may start off positive and end negatively, particularly if you aren’t aware. It is smart in this case, to have a plan b in place. There is a good chance this week that you may say something out of place to your significant other that will intensify into a major dispute. For that reason, make certain to watch the things you say and correct any mistakes early.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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