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By now you should have received so many words of praise and adulation that maybe they have lost some of their freshness and impact. Nevertheless I would like to say that I¡¦m very impressed by what I¡¦ve seen so far of your courses and materials - well organized, well presented, well structured - direct, straightforward, clear, and demonstrating an intuitive understanding of the process and not least of all it is so engaging. It is really refreshing. I¡¦m especially proud of the fact that you¡¦re from this part of the world, and speaking an accent that I know best (and not attempting, like so many others, to try to impress with a foreign twang). You¡¦re a very good speaker.Here wishing you unlimited successes. Best of luck.

Jocelyn Lau, Singapore

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Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Part 1
Source : SME
Date : 1 Apr 2015
by Dato Joey Yap

A Book by Any Cover: Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs

Our impressions about someone are immediately formed the first time based on their look, their appearance and their face. We immediately decide if they look like a nice person or not. Yet, many of us say that we should never judge a book by its cover. But then again, how many of us are constantly told that first impression counts and we end up judging a person based on their looks alone.

This is unfair and is akin to using a person's Animal Sign in determining if they can be suitable employees or not. That is not to say that you cannot judge a person based on their face alone. You can, as long as you know what you are looking for and what you are looking at. An informed judgment can tell a lot about a person - their character, personality traits, destiny and luck - just by looking at their appearance and face.

Facing Off in the Business World

In the result-orientated business world today, speed and time are of the essence. Decisions have to be made in a split-second and there isn't the luxury of plotting a potential employee's BaZi Chart if you are meeting them for the first time. Face Reading is especially helpful when you want to be subtle when interviewing a person and is able to size up their character, innate nature and even their potential with just a handshake and a simple 'how do you do'.

There are five basic face shapes in Face Reading. Each face is associated with one of the Five Elements - Fire, Wood, Metal, Water and Earth. Imagine what the shape a piece of Wood looks like or what kinds of features would a piece of rock look to you? In this article and the next, we will be highlighting the Water Face.

The Water Face - The Entrepreneur

Since water has so solid or final shape, those with a Water face often have irregular shaped faces and are most commonly round or chubby. Their skin is usually dark or tanned and they will be usually short or petite in size and a little plump or even slightly overweight. Their appearance is fleshly and their bodies are usually meaty. Usually, they have a tummy or hefty stomach with generous buttocks.

A Water face person may not be attractive, but what they lack in the looks department, they make up for it with their ability to adapt to any circumstances. They are natural survivors and are able to take on any financial and career challenges. Like the element of Water, which is able to change its form and shape to fit any container, a Water-faced person is suited for a career as an entrepreneur and leader. In the Five Elements, Water relates to wisdom and the ability to make good use of one's knowledge to make good decisions. That is why Water-faced people are often smart.

Though there is a downside to this as Water-faced people are sometimes opportunist who sees profits in everything and longs for power. Other times, they are seen as people without any principles, when in fact they are simply quick-witted. They are also driven and may achieve financial, political and entrepreneurial success at an early age.

Despite all appearances, there are general and qualifying principles in Face Reading. A person may have a Water face but they have certain distinguishable features that either more applicable in general or are unique characteristics of that individual alone. For example, if they have a very large mouth with thin lips and a sharp protruding chin, it usually means that they have a shady character, which means that he or she is most likely to be a hypocrite and has sinister intentions. This is perhaps due to the person having too much Water elements that explains their shady and usually cunning character.

If a Water face person is fair-skinned, they are often people who are witty and highly intelligent and who make decisions quickly and intuitively. Their face is the equivalent of having 'clear water', thus indicating that their thinking is clear as well. A dark-skinned Water face is like murky and dark water, showing us that their thoughts are often deep and confused.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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