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Feng Shui For Apartment Living
Source : iProperty
Date : 1 Apr 2015
by Dato Joey Yap

Feng Shui has become an important form of study over the past decades and it has caught the attention of many individuals regardless of race and religion. However, most people will face a common problem when they begin their Feng Shui study because most of them are unsure of whether the Feng Shui knowledge that they learn is the right one or not.

Before we go any further, it is important to acknowledge that when it comes to Feng Shui, there are various schools of methods adopted today. Most people will likely get confused between the techniques used for Classical Feng Shui and New Age or Modern Feng Shui. Furthermore, many of you may not know that Feng Shui applications are not limited to landed houses alone but it can also be applied to apartments and condominiums.

As such, this article will offer an insightful look into the Feng Shui audit on a new high- rise building located in Damansara Perdana using Classical Feng Shui techniques.

The First Approach

The first basic process of a Feng Shui analysis for any kind of property whether it is a high rise or landed unit would be of course to go to the client’s place. In general, the Feng Shui consultant would circle the area once within a radius of 5km to get the different views of the property and identify the good landforms which can provide occupants with the positive Qi they need.

The consultant would then observe the various mountain or hill forms as well as the contours of the land. In Feng Shui study, roads are also considered as contours as they are known as Virtual Water; in cases where water forms are not present, roads will be evaluated. This is the same for any other type of property.

The Exterior

The apartment in Damansara Perdana has an amazing Huge Door Mountain directly in front of it. It is not certain however whether this advantageous landform will be useful to the residents. This will depend on the location of the unit but either way it is still a positive feature. The landforms around this property are practically good with the mountains on the left and right functioning as the right and left embrace. The overall Feng Shui qualities of the apartment are good and on top of that the area itself bears positive Qi (energy).

While this is considered to be generally auspicious, the landforms around this property are not exactly perfect. This is due to the presence of a slightly small wind gap which does not bring much harm but serves as a reminder that not every property we choose to stay in or purchase will be 100% flawless. Even the Imperial Palaces built during the Qing and Ming Dynasties in China do not have perfect Feng Shui. The key to improving your lives is by minimising the flaws that are unfixable, controlling the fixable flaws and optimising the positive points.

The next step in this evaluation would be to determine whether the building and its residents are harnessing the positive Qi in the area.

Once the external landforms have been completely evaluated, the next step would be to move on to the Main Door of the apartment block itself. When doing this, consultants would take a reading of where the apartment was facing. Afterwards, they move on to the interior evaluation of the unit.

Interior design or interior evaluation?

The facing direction that was taken earlier by the Feng Shui consultant will then be used to plot the Flying Stars chart which will be superimposed onto the individual unit’s blueprint.

The first thing you need to take note is the main entrance to the apartment building. Qi enters through the main entrance before it can reach the individual unit through elevator. The elevator mainly functions as a ‘Qi mouth’ that carries Qi from the lower floors up to the unit. Therefore, the lift lobby which is also quite spacious and wide functions as a mini Bright Hall (Ming Tang) for the floor.

When evaluating the unit itself, one of the most important elements to put into consideration is the Unit’s Door. Every consultant will check the door to see if there are any obstructions that could affect the flow of Qi into the unit. It is best to have a Bright Hall even inside your apartment unit as this will benefit you more from the Bright Hall that is in the lift lobby.

In most cases, people would rather look for an apartment unit that has a beautiful view. However, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to Feng Shui as there is a high possibility that the incredibly amazing view will bring you Sha Qi (bad energy). As such, it is best not to focus so much on having a unit with a great view.

In certain homes, Feng Shui enthusiasts would put a Money Toad in their house. There is nothing wrong with doing this; however, it does not affect the Feng Shui of the property be it in either a good or bad way.

Auditing the Apartment in Damansara Perdana

The mountains in the area are just the right height from the apartment to function as the Table Mountains. There is also a tennis court located on the lower floors of the building. This acts as another Bright Hall for the resident of that particular unit but this also means that they will have to endure some challenges during certain years.

The water feature that this resident has installed is quite small and not at all in the right position. As such, they are advised to either get a bigger one or move it to another sector of the unit. Up next is the kitchen where the resident was suggested to realign the stove according to the Flying Star chart and Eight Mansions chart of the unit. The bedroom also requires some form of adjustment especially in regards to the positioning of the beds. It is best to position them according to the personal Gua of the occupants. A suggestion was also made regarding the rooms that were best used as a study.

Feng Shui does not involve a lot of complicated procedures. The popular ideas that people usually misunderstand regarding it can be misleading as it requires very little trouble to get your Feng Shui to benefit you. There is no need to place certain objects in specific areas or shop for trinkets to place in your property but there is also no harm in doing so. Feng Shui is actually a straightforward study whereby a property is evaluated in terms of its landforms, receiving good Qi and harnessing the Qi.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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