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How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 2)
Source : iProperty
Date : 1 Aug 2015
by Dato Joey Yap

In this continuing article on “How Qi affects the 8 different types of Houses based on Main Doors”, we will be highlighting both the West and Southwest sector in this article.

For occupants who have their Main Door of their premises in the West sector, they should be cautious because the #5 Yellow Star is residing here this year, turning this sector into the most dangerous of all sectors. Do not panic or worry however for this only means that you have to keep this sector quiet and inactive for the year to avoid activating the negative energy of this Star.

Far from describing Qi Men as a mysterious and magical tool, the mystery behind Qi Men Dun Jia can be easily solved and revealed when you start deconstructing its name.

This means avoiding any forms of redecorating, renovations or construction work that involves drilling or hammering, no matter how minor or major the job. Any disturbance cause by excessive noises is likely to stir up the negative energy of the #5 Yellow Star and will cause havoc for those living in the property. Therefore, it is best to leave this sector alone throughout the entire year.

Occupants will suffer from arguments and disharmony – both at home and work with nagging problems and stress affecting them constantly. Other woes include uncontrollable health issues flaring up, so it will be wise to keep this sector as quiet as possible.

The next two month outlook for a bedroom in the West sector with the West Main Door

(June 6th-July 6th)

Your Wealth Luck is not strong this month. Best you postpone any investments to a more ideal time. People involved in the travel industry should use this time to consolidate their position and review strategies. Be cautious when you’re out and about as there is a potential for problems related to the head and bones.

(July 7th-August 7th)

Focus on your work and shoo away any notion of finding love this month if you are single. Romance luck is not as strong. If you are in business, you may want to delay launching any new ambitions plans for now. Stick to what you have going now. Women using this bedroom this month need to be wary of stomach or abdomen related issues.

If your property happens to have two Main Door entrances, you should use the other door instead. Unless you have no other choice than to use the West Main Door, you can counter the negativity emanating from this sector by placing items made out of iron, copper or brass in this sector to help lessen the negative effects of the Star and when this is done, you may cautiously use this sector for the year.

With the #9 Purple Star in the Southwest sector in 2015, occupants who utilize this sector will have reasons to jump for joy as this Star is also known as the Secondary Wealth for good reasons. By tapping into this Star and sector throughout 2015, occupants can expect their lives to be blessed with auspicious and favourable wealth luck and financial standing as well. If you are considering changing jobs or starting a business this year, then you should take full advantage of the Southwest sector.

You can expect an increase in wealth and finances and this Star also has the spark that will help ignite the creative fire of the occupants, allowing them to be more expressive and demonstrative of their natural talents. Individuals who work in the media, consultancy or education industry will notice that their creative talents will be significantly heightened by tapping into this sector.

Couple who wise to marry and have children should also be tapping into the blessing of the #9 Purple Star. If you are single, your love life and personal relationships will improve for the better if you tap into the Southwest sector. As this Star promotes beauty, popularity and likeability, it is not uncommon for it to boost your connections with people and help you build long-lasting friendships or to pursue love.

The next two month outlook for a bedroom in the Southwest sector with a Southwest Main Door

(June 6th-July 6th)

Those in the modelling and acting fields will benefit from positive publicity this month and they capitalize on this advantage. Be mindful of your words and actions though as miscommunication is also likely. This is more so for couples or people using this bedroom this month. Be alert towards any potential fire hazards at home this month.

(July 7th-August 7th)

This is a profitable month ahead for those venturing into speculative investments in metal trading, stocks and equities. Make sure you do all your research on the market before making any decision. At work, staff transfers are expected. Women in the household would need to take precautions over any eye or heart issues this month.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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