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Thanks heaven for getting me the opportunity for listen to you. It is amazing, how you can get so much information in such short time. I’ll need years for learning and understanding what you gave us. Thank you very much.p>

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Don't sweat the small stuff
Source : New Sunday Times
Date : 3 Oct 2005
by Joey Yap
I have been fortunate enough to have been involved in Feng Shui for most of my adult life. What is unfortunate about this though, is the tragedy of how people can take the smallest things in Feng Shui and blow it out of proportion.

Things that have a miniscule or non-effect in Feng Shui are made to look like scary monsters that will eat your liver if given a chance. And you see them everywhere these days. Couples going crazy over the Feng Shui effect of having a certain colour for their curtains, trying any technique to ‘energize’ every nook and cranny of their house with oriental décor….some even secretly resorting to hiding stones under their bed or tying tassels on their doorknobs.

What has the world come to? Who wants to live life in such paranoia? What was the reason you started with Feng Shui in the first place?

Feng Shui is about bringing harmony to the home and to the family, peace of mind to the occupants. Instead, you now have innocent housewives frantically trying to hide a stone underneath her bed thinking that if not, her husband will have an affair. Or worse, losing hair and sleep over worries that some ‘water on the right side of the door’ will be causing her husband to stray.

This not what Feng Shui is about!

Certainly not in Classical Feng Shui. In fact, far from this - Classical Feng Shui generally focuses on how your house is receiving the Qi (energies) from your external environment. If your house is aligned correctly to receive this Qi, then everything else falls into place and you can have any décor or colour in your home. Isn’t that a nice revelation?

Any object or decoration in your house, does not generate any Qi, so there is no necessity to sweat over this small stuff. Other than affecting you psychologically, if you worry too much about it, this has no effect on the Feng Shui of your home.

Too many couples seem to get into unnecessary arguments over the smallest of décor in the house, caused by this misguided notion that it is ‘Feng Shui’. I even had an e-mail recently from a lady who strained her relationship with her husband because she went on a ‘Feng Shui decorating’ spree and put up many Chinese artefacts in her house. Her husband thought she was bordering on insanity and wasting money. The irony of this story; the poor lady was just trying to apply ‘Feng Shui’ to ensure a happy home and good relationship with her husband.

Just because you place some decorative item in some corner, it won’t ruin the Feng Shui of your home and bring you bad luck. If you enjoy collecting these, go ahead, there is nothing to worry about. The only way anything ‘bad’ can happen is if you imagine the item as having a wealth or romance attribute to it and worry over where to place it. But this is not Feng Shui, it’s plain simple psychology.

When applying Feng Shui, observe the external environment and measure the Qi flow from the external to the internal environment of your property. The main factors to consider here is the Main Door, Kitchen and Bedroom.

If these key factors of your home are located correctly, tapping into the right direction, then your Feng Shui is done. Conversely, if these three factors are wrongly aligned, no amount of décor is going to help improve the Feng Shui of your home.

There are various special techniques a serious Feng Shui practitioner would advocate to tap into the Qi in the environment – Xuan Kong Da Gua, Xuan Kong Flying Stars or Ba Zhai methods. All which, depending on the situation, are techniques focusing on the alignment of your house to receive beneficial Qi. Every house has it’s own Qi map that is unique. If you want to find out how to get your houses Qi map, you can plot your house charts here :

If you have this Qi map for instance, and your door is located at the Southeast sector and your bedroom at the South or West sectors, your home already has good Feng Shui. Because the Qi in those areas of the house are positive and your positioning of your main door and bedroom already utilizes these energies naturally.

So remember, don’t sweat the small stuff. If you enjoy your China ornaments but have been plagued with worries over placing it ‘wrongly’ or if it might bring you bad luck if placed in a certain corner, don’t worry. They can’t harm you. If you enjoy collecting them, go ahead. Indulge in your collection and feel good. If you do not feel that you need them, you don’t! Feng Shui is all about the natural Qi in your environment

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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