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Very informative, interesting subject to learn with so much detail. I understand that we have to practice to get familiar with BaZi. A very good class - enjoyed learning from you. Thank you very much.

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Slaying the Sha Qi demons
Source : The Star
Date : 28 May 2006
by Joey Yap

Last week I talked about how, due to misinformation and misunderstandings, people have become fearful of the Sha Qi bogey man.

Some people even go to the extent of being fearful about sharp objects of any kind within their home and outside of their home. Shelves are banded, cactus is forbidden and objects with pointy ends are consigned to the drawer.

As I've said in the past, this is simply not a practical way to live your life and certainly, not what feng shui is all about. So this week, I am going to talk about five types of Sha Qi that you should be concerned about and explain to you why you should be concerned about these types of Sha Qi.

At the same time, I want you to also remember one very important pointer when it comes to feng shui and that is the question of bias and prejudice. In feng shui, nothing is permanent good, or permanently bad.

Similarly, something that is negative in one instance may not be negative in another. Even features in the environment that is most definitively Sha Qi does not necessarily exert a negative influence on the properties around them. It all depends on the circumstances and situation.

When it comes to dealing with Sha Qi, always be practical. Ask yourself these questions. Is the object in question really Sha Qi? Is it of a size and proportion to affect my property? Is it far or near? Does it affect me or any of the residents in my home? How does it affect me or any of the residents in my home?

Sun Tzu once said, know your enemy and know yourself and you will always be victorious. Understand what Sha Qi is and how it works and you will be able to deal with it accordingly.

So, let's look at a few common "Sha Qi" bad guys in the feng shui world.

Everybody knows T-junction

The T-junction is often regarded as an unfavorable feng shui feature because it is "sharp". Many people usually avoid living near T-junction because they have hears that it is bad. This is again, a misunderstanding of the fundamentals of feng shui.

In feng shui, we like Qi to meander. It should be peaceful and benevolent.

Accordingly, gentle curves, which make Qi moves gently along, are preferred over straight a line, which fixes Qi, making it aggressive and volatile. Aggressive and volatile Qi is no longer Sheng Qi or positive Qi, but becomes Sha Qi or negative Qi. And remember at the core and root of feng shui is the goal of harnessing Sheng Qi and minimizing Sha Qi.

The reason a T-junction is considered an unfavorable feature to have near a house is to do with the way Qi should and should not move or flow, in feng shui. T-junctions are considered an unfavorable feng shui feature because it focuses the Qi, makes it aggressive and fast-moving and causes it to crash into the property in a volatile manner.

But by itself, the T-junction is not bad per so. A T-junctions negative in certain instances only - for example, if it is a busy junction, with lots of traffic, it is definitely a bigger problem than it is a quiet T-junction in a residential area with low and minimal traffic, meaning a relatively low number of cars use the junction.

Similarly, a T-junction is a greater cause for concern if it is focused at the sector where the main door is located or crashes right into the main door, more so than if it is hitting another sector of their property.

In fact, there could even be some instances when a T-junction is a positive and not negative feature.

If the T-junction is located in a prosperous Qi direction, and the Qi is flowing in the right direction, according to certain formulas and calculations, it may even be ushering in positive Qi for the property and the occupants.

The sharp-roofed neighbor

The corners of roofs can sometime be result in Qi being focused and angled at your property. Hence, a neighbor's sharp roof corner pointing at your house is certainly something you want to look for.

However, let's be practical - the only way you can entirely remove this possibility is if you are the only house on the street and that's practically not possible unless you live in a cowboy town.

So in what instances should your neighbor's sharp roof corner be a case for a real concern?

In the sharp roof is not visible from the main door, then you are quite safe. If the sharp roof is on the second floor, and your door is on the ground f floor, then the sharp roof does not affect your property. If the sharp roof is located on a neighbor across the street, and it is a fairly wade street, then you don't really have a problem again.

In all these instances, the problem appears to be present, but open closet examination, is not at a proximity that is close enough to affect you. So, something that seems scary, when qualified, turns out to be not so scary after all.

Sharp is not always had, especially if it's not pointing at you in the first place!

Don't be a lamp post

A lamp post directly in front of the main door is definitely a problem in feng shui, we call it Piercing Heart Sha. Now, do not get needlessly upset and decide you need to fell the lamp post outside your house otherwise bad luck is certain. It is only a case of Piercing Heart Sha if the lamp post (or pole of any kind) is right in front of your door.

How do you determine if it is right outside your door?

From your main door, extend two imaginary lines out towards the road, as in the diagram. If the lamp post of the pole falls within the boundary of these two lines, then you might have a problem. You then need to see how close this lamp post is to your main door.

If it is across the street, it's not that bad. But if it is, say, within 1 to 2 meters of your main door, then you have a problem. If it is not outside the boundary, then you don't have a problem of Piercing Heart Sha.

The main door is one of the three important factors that a feng shui consultant will always examine. So, when it comes to Sha Qi, it's important to always check to see if the main door is affected.

Pesky pylons

Many people, even those who are not into feng shui, will refuse to buy a house near pylon. Now, the common fallacy is that pylons are a sharp object and thus are a bad feng shui.

Like I have said in the past, sharp is not the sale criteria to determine good or bad.

Generally, pylons are not a favorable feature to have near your home but cannot say as a blanket rule that a pylon is always bad.

So in what instances is at a problem to have a pylon near your house?

Firstly, if it is very near your property, then a pylon is a problem. By neat, I mean it is within immediate proximity (around 500 meters) of your house. Secondly, look at which sector it is located in. if it is in the East Sector for example, then at is affecting Zhen Gua.

The Zhen Gua trigram among other things relates to the eldest son. So if your family consists entirely of girls, then this pylon is not a major case for concern. See how sneeringly scary Sha Qi can turn out to be not scary after all?

A Sha Qi feature like a pylon is only a cause for concern if the Gua of the sector tells you that someone in that house is likely to be affected by the negative feature in that sector.

If someone who lives in the house is affected, then you have a problem. If the Sha Qi affects a non-existent resident (like an eldest son in a family full of girls), then the problem is not major. Finally, pylons are regarded as Fire element, so if it is located in a sector that is suitable for a Fire element, the pylon is not dangerous or negative.

In feng shui, besides the forms in the environment, and the dynamic nature of Qi, we must also consider the residents of the property, the people using the house.

If there's a flu bug going around, but you have the flu shot, you probably don't need to be scared. Similarly, if a type of Sha Qi is present, but doesn't affect any of the residents, it's not a big deal.

I hope that I've helped slay a few Sha Qi demons today in my article and debunked some of the fear factor behind Sha Qi. Remember, feng shui is not about paranoia. And when you cease to be afraid, then feng shui can truly be harnessed and used to bring positive benefits to your life.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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