I hope you all found last week's article informative and helpful in figuring out how to undertake a basic Feng Shui audit of a property and helping you visualise some of the basic elements of Feng Shui such as the Bright Hall, the Mountains and the Water.
One of my earliest articles was about how people are easily frightened by Sha Qi, to the extent that everything sharp and pointy becomes a Feng Shui bogeyman. While identifying Sha Qi in an area is important, you can't really expect to live in a civilised place without some kind of pointy or sharp object somewhere in the vicinity of your property. So it is all a matter of knowing what you are looking at, and being able to make a judgment call on the Sha Qi in question.
Consider Distance
Busy roads can be considered Sha Qi, especially if they cut in front of the house, or the property is located on the 'blade' of the road, meaning, the curve of the road points at the property rather than embraces it. However, there's no need to panic if such a road is located far away from your property. If you have a busy, fast moving road 2 metres from your house, or the road curves into your house right at the front gate, then you may have a problem. But if this road is a distance away and only visible if you really look for it, then you don't really have a serious Sha Qi problem. Immediacy is what concerns us when it comes to Sha Qi.

Take a look at these pictures. These roads are quite close to the property that I audited some time ago. But these roads do not create a Sha Qi problem for two reasons: firstly, they are quite far and also more importantly, they are not actually visible from the property. Hence, the property is not affected by these negative features because they are too far away to be of significance.
Does the Qi really Sha?
Sometimes, you can have a tall or menacing feature in the vicinity, like a water tower, of the variety in the picture below. Now, most people will think - aha! Sha Qi. And then they will think they must avoid buying a house near this feature or where the feature is visible. A tall high pointy structure can be Sha Qi but in some instances, it can also be a positive form. For example, this Water Tower here, rather than emitting Sha Qi, actually functions as a Regulating Mountain (Shui Kou Sha), which guards and locks the watermouth and prevents Qi from escaping.

Whenever you are looking at a structure and trying to determine if it is Sha Qi, don't always go on pointy and sharp alone. Otherwise, we'd all have to stop using pens, avoid eating with chopsticks and hide our fingers in mittens. An object that emits Sha Qi is usually one that not only has sharp and pointy features but also looks menacing. Now, if you look at an electrical pylon, and compare it to the water tower, I'm sure you can see what I mean about 'looking menacing'.
What's the Sha Qi pointing at?
At the entrance to the property I audited, which I discussed in last week's article, I saw this.

Now, you might be wondering: is it the staircase that is bad? Or the sharp corner? Those of you who voted sharp corner, you are right. That's where the Sha Qi problem is. The staircase is not Sha Qi but in fact is a formation known as Cascading Water (Zhun Tian Shui), and is a positive form. The sharp corner is a problem that warrants attention because it points at the Main Door of the house. As a rule, if you are looking at a Sha Qi that affects a particular sector of the house, versus a Sha Qi that affects the Main Door, the Sha Qi problem at the Main Door is a bigger headache and warrants more attention. This is because if Qi is obstructed at the Main Door, or is negatively affected at the Main Door, then it doesn't matter how good (or bad) the rest of the house might be - the house is already starting out in a negative equity position, from the Feng Shui point of view. Of course, when the negative star like #5 Yellow flies in a particular year, this might pose a problem.
What happens if there is a Sha Qi but it doesn't affect the Main Door? If you are a little more knowledgeable about Feng Shui, you can check which sector is affected by the Sha Qi and then by determining which Gua corresponds with that sector, find out if a family member will be affected. For example, let's say, the sector Dui (west) is affected by the Sha Qi. Dui, amongst other things, represents the youngest daughter. So if your family has no girls and only boys, then the Sha Qi does not present a problem to your family members.
I hope the process I have outlined this week and last week give you some idea of how to find a good Feng Shu property and that the pictures have been helpful in allowing you to visualise some of the key positive Feng Shui features and negative Feng Shui features, that can be found in an environment. I hope this helps those of you who have a keen interest in Feng Shui, screen your own properties.
Of course, when you Feng Shui It Yourself, it may not be as good as compared to a complete professional audit, where the consultant will also look at the direction of the Main Entrance (if it is a gated community or enclosed housing area), ensure conformity to Direct and Indirect Spirit principles in the macro and micro environment and personalise the Feng Shui to you and your family members. But remember, doing something is better than doing nothing.
If you can't afford a Feng Shui consultation, do what you can. You may not be able to find a superb property, but you can avoid an unfavourable location. Ultimately, Feng Shui is very simple - avoid the Sha Qi, find the Sheng Qi. If you can do the first one, you're 50% there already! If you can do both, then you're definitely already putting yourself in an advantaged position, Feng Shui wise!