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By now you should have received so many words of praise and adulation that maybe they have lost some of their freshness and impact. Nevertheless I would like to say that I¡¦m very impressed by what I¡¦ve seen so far of your courses and materials - well organized, well presented, well structured - direct, straightforward, clear, and demonstrating an intuitive understanding of the process and not least of all it is so engaging. It is really refreshing. I¡¦m especially proud of the fact that you¡¦re from this part of the world, and speaking an accent that I know best (and not attempting, like so many others, to try to impress with a foreign twang). You¡¦re a very good speaker.Here wishing you unlimited successes. Best of luck.

Jocelyn Lau, Singapore

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Ring in the New Year with Dato' Joey Yap's good luck tips
Source : MSN Specials
Date : 30 Jan 2014
by Ain Ruzanna

MSN Specials had an exclusive chat with the famous Feng Shui Consultant on what the Year of the Horse has to offer!

Which zodiacs will fare well in the Year of the Horse?

We've looked at the zodiac signs, and there are several that can do pretty well particularly the Rabbit and the Dog. However, I have a different way of looking at the chart. Most people will just look at the year, but we have to look at the full chart such as the year, month, day, and hour of birth. These are the very important aspects. The year is just too generic. So 2014 is particularly good for the Rabbit and the Dog. The Ox is also very good, and followed by the Snake.

Can you share with us five New Year good luck tips?

Well there are certain things that one can do using their Feng Shui to enhance the outcome for 2014. First is to look for the South sector in their home. Now you need a compass to do that. At the South area of your home, this represents the direct income sector. So if you could use this area a little bit more or allow the energy to flow in, it will directly impacts on your career and direct income.

The North sector represents opportunities for 2014. So if you are an investor or if you would like to grow your business, then using the North sector would be the area that enhances your outcome. Having Water element at the North can help you to enhance that aspect.

The third thing, let's say you would want more helpful people in your life this year. As in the people who support you or ensuring your career to be smooth sailing, then the South West sector is the area you can focus on. The South West sector, again using Water element or any form of water feature may be able to enhance the noble people or the helpful people's luck for you.

The fourth tip would be to activate the execution element. You see, a lot of people have ideas but can't execute it. Execution is the one competitive advantage that you can have all over your competitors by being able to do something better than they can. So the West sector represents the ability to execute something successfully. So if you are the head of projects or the team leader, positions yourself in the West area and do your work from there. That's all you need to do to activate the energy.

And the fifth tip is to avoid the bad elements. If you can't use any of the good areas, at least avoid using the bad ones. The negative areas are the North West and the East area for 2014.

Out of curiosity, are there any Feng Shui tips for in the car like in the home and office?

In the car, you don't need to do anything. Just drive safely. [Laughs]

Is there anything else that we should stay away from so as not to disrupt the flow of good fortune?

Actually there's nothing much to stay away from. One needs to, if they can, to be aware of the positive elements that are available for their free usage every year as of February 4, 2014 or February 4 every year where the energy changes. For example, one who would like to enhance their academic abilities then North East is the sector for that. You can learn something new. So if you have goals or New Year resolutions, use the Feng Shui to support your goals.

What's the difference between BaZi Astrology and Feng Shui?

BaZi or Chinese Astrology is the blueprint to understand who you are as a person, your roles in life and your destiny. By studying your personal BaZi Chart, you can find out your potentials, weaknesses, talents, traits, personality, and luck cycles. In this sense, BaZi is always considered as the 'medication' or 'diagnosis' because it helps to identify the problem and create awareness based on what is lacking or areas that require your attention in life.

Feng Shui is an art of harnessing natural energy to boost one's luck in life, provides 'treatment' to the problems pinpointed by BaZi earlier. This method focuses on addressing the external environment such as the workplace and residence where a person spends most of his or her time in and make the right tilt to correct specific areas of one's life.

BaZi and Feng Shui work hand-in-hand in solving a person's problem. One detects the problems, the other provides a solution. And that is their main difference.

How do you think Malaysia's economy will fare in 2014? Which sectors or industries will thrive in the Year of the Horse?

Looking at the economy, based on the elements, it's a bit sluggish for the first two quarters of the year. However, when the elements of Metal and Water step in towards the end of the year, you will find that it is more active once again. Now of course people are a bit worried of what's happening here, like whether they should invest or should they not invest. Well, the key element is to first understand yourself - are you an investor or are you a speculator. If you are an investor, and then this year due to the Fire element producing earth, you could actually consider investing in a property market but it's for the long term. If you are someone who wants to speculate or you'd want to flip, then this is not the element for you.

The industries that are the strongest in 2014 is Fire element so it relates to technology, IT, fire and energy related, and self-improvement. The second element is Wood. Wood relates to education, and health care. These are the elements of the prosperous industries.

What is your most important advice for everyone in the Year of the Horse?

Don't let what you cannot do stop you from what you can do in life. Your top priority is to keep on learning. I shun the term 'master' because I consider myself an eternal student of life. We never truly master anything. Whether it is metaphysics or business, there are always new things to be learnt. In 2014 - the Year of the Horse, the element is Fire. This energy will affect us in a spiritual, but not in religious kind of way. Elementally, people will be drawn more towards a sense of well-being compared to industry or technology. So, those who are able to latch on to the main theme of wellness, and are aware of the trends, will reap the rewards.

Curious on what 2014 has to offer for you? Just click on the link below to plot your BaZi Profiling Chart for free courtesy of Joey Yap Research International & Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics!

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