I have a secret way in which I can often get Feng
Shui practitioners to look at me with utter disbelief.
I simply tell them that Xuan Kong is not just Feng
Most will think I am joking with them, and others
will look anxiously and ask, What do you mean it is not Feng Shui? Xuan
Kong is Flying Stars right?
Xuan Kong is more divination that simply Feng Shui
alone. Flying Stars is only one of the many techniques of the Xuan Kong system.
Although most of the Feng Shui world at large is familiar with only Xuan Kong
Flying Stars, there are many other methods contained within the larger Xuan
Kong system itself.
The Xuan Kong Predictions using the 9 Stars is one
of the more advanced methods that expands upon and beyond the Flying Stars technique.
In the Xuan Kong Star analysis, you must take note of which stars come into
another star. Furthermore, you must know the subject matter that you are analyzing.
In this case, the stars are your guide, they will
reveal the situation to you. It can often be the key to unlocking information
behind the scenes that you not even have been aware of. And to take it one step
further, you can even apply them in such a manner that they can guide you in
your strategy and actions.
I know you must be thinking how this differs from
what you may have studied as conventional Xuan Kong. Years of study
with my Hong Kong teachers and my own research have allowed me to further refine
and develop this technique. The crux of the Xuan Kong Gua analysis is based
on the same fundamentals. It is the information contained in the Green Satchel
Classics and the Heavenly Jade Classics that form the basis of all Xuan Kong.
The only difference is the application and the modern perspectives in which
it is applied.
As my teacher in Hong Kong tells me time and again,
you can never change the fundamentals, only the application.
Once you begin applying it, you will see just how effective
and accurate this technique has come to be proven. I have been sharing this
technique with a few selected students since May 2000. And if you know some
of these students, you would have already heard of how effective they have been
in their consultations and why their clients have been more than willing to
pay them high fees for their consultations. I am very happy for them and their
success. More than anything else, it proves that my methods work. If youre
a professional practitioner, you know that clients will only really pay for
results, and in this case, the results speak for themselves.
In this new series, I will attempt to share with you
some of these methods that when applied correctly, will amaze your clients and
yourself. I call this the Xuan Kong Yi Gua Tuan Se Fa, which incorporates
my Xuan Kong Life Palace and Shifting Palace methods.
There are two parts to consider the establishment
of the Stars (forming the Hexagrams) and the interpretation and analysis. The
first part is covered in my Xuan Kong Mastery Series, so this article aims to
help my students further strengthen their interpretation and analysis. And so,
I will proceed directly to the application part assuming you already know how
to establish the stars.
Romancing The Stars
I undertake quite a number of consultations as time
permits me to and one of the most common questions is the relationship question.
Will we be happy together? What can we do to be happy together? Is there any
way to improve our relationship? etc
Lets say the moment your enter the property
(house or office, doesnt matter), you manage to derive the San Zhe Xian
Gua. You can then deduce that the relationship between the couple is very good.
Now bear in mind that the deduction of these guas need not be from a Flying
Star Chart. It can be from the time, event or person.
Or if you see a Lei Feng Heng, then you can hypothesize
that the person will soon be married and let the happy couple know of this.
The timing for this event would be within a year.
On the other hand, should you spot a Hui Tian Da You
formation, then as this Gua implies, the lady will be the commanding presence
in the house. So you had better make sure that she is happy with your audit
of the premises. A Tian Huo Tong Ren gua formation may indicate the possibility
of extramarital affairs for the woman of the house.
Do be aware that you need to take into account WHERE
the Guas are derived and where the reading takes place. The Stars are merely
the information or the application it is the Palace which is the body
or subject matter to be considered. Remember, consider which star comes into
which before making a final judgment.
The change more often than not, taken
place in the Life Palace, so observe the visiting star as well.
Topic extracted from Joey Yaps Xuan Kong Mastery Series course. Please refer
to www.joeyyap.com for more information on upcoming courses.