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I was happy to see that Joey Yap is clear and succinct in his teaching. After taking the Chinese Medicine courses with many Chinese instructors, it is refreshing to actually be taught how to practice Feng Shui. I hope the time of unprofessional instructors pretending to ¡¥bestow their ancient secrets¡¦ for high prices are coming to an end. May the younger generation succeed in accurately sharing this important knowledge from China. Good luck, Joey! I admire your work, your goals and most importantly, your methods.

Noor Amelia Hirota, Malaysia

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Joey Yap: Scary Sha Qi (Part 1)
Source : Star Property
Date : 10 Aug 2011
by Joey Yap

I've gotten a lot of emails from readers of this column for more 'how to' Feng Shui. Thus, in response to these popular requests, I've decided to tackle a Feng Shui subject that everyone, at one point or another in his life, has worried about: Sha Qi.

I have noticed, from the many questions I received from the public during my seminars and talks, that people have a lot of paranoia about Sha Qi. Sha Qi means 'Killing Qi' in case you don't know. I do not believe that Feng Shui should be about freaking people out. That's the job of horror movies. No one should have to practice Feng Shui in paranoia, living in fear of doing anything lest it upset the cosmic flow of Qi, or worrying that the newest addition to his living room is going to shorten his life by 10 years simply because it looks vaguely pointy.

I always tell people that when it comes to Feng Shui, there's no greater secret technique than the secret art of common sense. Common sense will tell you that if the Sha Qi is a significantly sized problem (like a pylon), any cures or remedies will be limited in their effect and impact. Also in Feng Shui, curing or remedying a situation is not always the best course of action.

What is Sha Qi?
If you're going to be scared, you better know what you should be scared of surely? Sha Qi has become a much-loved bogeyman for many New Age Feng Shui practitioners because it's so easy to invoke. If you follow New Age Feng Shui, it would seem anything with a sharp point, is evil, emanating malignant Qi and will shorten your life, deplete your bank account and or make your spouse run away, take your pick.

First, let us understand Qi a little bit better before we dwell into Sha Qi. Qi is the natural living energy that is found in the universe. It is the product of mountains and water in the environment. Formations in the environment produce two kinds of Qi: Sheng Qi or Sha Qi. The aim of the practice of Feng Shui in essence is to grow the Sheng Qi or encourage positive Qi and minimise the Sha Qi or negative Qi. By minimising the Sha Qi, Feng Shui practitioners look for ways to transform the Sha Qi, through re- alignment of the Qi pathways for example, into a more sentimental form of Qi. This is because Qi, like all forms of energy, cannot be destroyed or dissolved, it can only be transformed.

So, now that you understand Qi, let's move to Sha Qi.

What is Sha Qi really? Sha Qi is sharp, fierce, merciless Qi produced as a result of energies being focused by sharp corners, straight lines or narrow gaps, creating energy that moves aggressively and quickly.

Sha Qi can come from a variety of sources: the most obvious source of Sha Qi is sharp, pointy objects - a roof-edge, a pylon, sharp mountain peaks or straight roads are examples of objects or formations that can generate Sha Qi in an environment. Gushing strong water can also produce Sha Qi. Sha Qi can also be produced when wind is 'focused' through narrow gaps, for example, by a gap between two buildings, known as 'Sky Crack Sha' in Feng Shui or by an alleyway, in a formation known as 'Pulling Nose Qi'.

Come back next week as Joey Yap shares about the urban legends of Sha Qi and tips to get rid of it.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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