[7 July - 7 August / 7月7日至8月7日]
Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month 看看你今個月能否同時擁有好運、財運及健康
As auspicious stars take a key role this month, work matters
proceed smoothly, leading to high productivity and yielding
good results. Your financial fortunes are also favourable, and
you'll see an increase in your wealth. However, be careful of
potential risks and injuries while you're working.
This will be a good month to toe the line and stick within the
prescribed boundaries. It will be important to follow the rules in
everything that you do, or you will be beset by issues that will
cause difficulty. The last thing you need is problems cropping
up from matters that could have been avoided in the first place.
A rather inauspicious month comes to the fore for the Snake.
You may feel like you're sitting on needles - no matter which
way you turn, there are slight pricks of unease and discomfort.
In addition, you'll be super-busy with the amount of tasks you
have on your plate - primarily related to work - and you'll find
that your colleagues and superiors are less understanding than
you'd have hoped.
Fortunately, the Horse can breathe a sigh of relief this month.
Your work proceeds smoothly with nary a hitch, and your
relationships with your colleagues are also particularly easy
and rewarding. There is a good sense of camaraderie at work.
Romantic prospects are also blooming, and single Horses have
a chance to meet someone special. There may be unexpected
blessings and gains to look forward to this month.
This month, the Goat will have to be a little wary and tread
cautiously, as there are potential pitfalls ahead. It will be important
for you to do the right things in slow, deliberate and measured
ways instead of rushing in head first. If you have any major plans
under way, it might be best to postpone them.
You'll need to take extra care of yourself this month, as health
problems are likely. In other matters, such as romance, single
Monkeys will find it a good month. You'll do well if you introduce
yourself to that cute stranger. You will have luck with your
romantic pursuits, so don't waste your chances by being too shy. 本月多注意自己的健康,可能會感染疾病。另外,單身人士桃花旺盛,不妨採取主動,向你心儀的對象自我介紹或提出約會。千萬不要因為害羞或過於被動而錯失良機!
The Rooster will have to exercise caution at work this month, as
it will be rather easy to make mistakes. Your relationships with
your family members will also be somewhat weak this month.
You won't have much time to spend with them, so you need to
make an effort to communicate with them. 本月在工作上應更加小心,因為你很容易會不小心犯錯。與家人的關係亦有些疏遠,由於相聚時間少,應該多與家人溝通,這有利於你這個月的運勢。
It's a good month for the Dog, as there is plenty of time to eat,
drink, and be merry with friends and family members. Generally,
throughout most of the month your spirits will be high and this
will positively influence most of what you do. Your career and
wealth luck are steady, free of worries and encumbrances. 屬狗的你本月運勢很好,有許多機會與家人和朋友一起吃喝玩樂。整做的事情有積極的影響。事業運和財運也很穩定,沒有煩惱和負擔。
Your luck this month is particularly good, so everything you
do will go well. Focus on professional obligations and fulfilling
certain ambitious goals. It's also a great month to solidify ties
with colleagues, clients and bosses, as well as family members.
Those of you looking to take your romantic relationships to the
next level will also benefit from this month's auspicious fortunes. 非常吉祥的一個月,諸事順利。除專注於事業和其他宏圖大計外,本月宜與同事、客戶、老闆及家人增進感情。希望提升愛情運的人亦會得益于這個月的好運勢。
Things seem pretty rocky for the Rat for much of this month.
There will be quite a few barriers in place that prevent the
smooth progress of certain activities, and many will tend to
derail from the original plan. Before doing anything this month,
you should ensure you allocate enough time for proper planning.
Don't take risks or fly by the seat of your pants this month.
There will be quite a few obstacles in your way again this
month. Regardless of what you do, you’ll find it rather difficult
to proceed. It’ll seem like there is always something preventing
that perfect finish. So this month, think strategically and go into
defensive mode, instead of attacking. Stabilise your position and
simply guard your territory. 本月依然困難重重。無論做什麼事,都會感覺障礙重重。若整個月都是如此,你應該進行戰略性思考,以守為攻。站穩立場,守住你的地盤。
Your physical wellbeing will suffer some aggravation this
month. Therefore, be prepared for minor illnesses, or for a
palpable lack of energy. Your immune system might not prove
as strong as it should be, so it will be important for the Tiger to
take things slowly and avoid burn-out. Obstacles will come your
way but Noble People will be there to help and offer relief. 本月你的健康狀況欠佳,可能會有些小病痛或感覺沒有精神。由於你的免疫力減弱,宜放慢腳步,以避免過分勞累。總體來說,行事雖會遭遇阻礙,但所幸會有貴人相助。