[8 September - 7 October / 9月8日至10月7日]
Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month 看看你今個月能否同時擁有好運、財運及健康
Rabbit(兔) An inauspicious star is coming your way this month - it'll be
best for you to lay low and take things easy. Don't go out on a
limb or venture out on something risky. Most things won't go
as planned, or you'll be confronted with difficulties. Being alert,
flexible and ready to change your plans at the last minute will
help you cope with this month's disturbances. 本月有一個凶星出現,一切應低調行事,不宜獨斷獨行或冒險行事。遇事多障礙或無法按原訂計劃進行。宜保持警惕和靈活性,隨機應變有助你度過難關。
Dragon(龙) Luck for the Dragon continues this month. In terms of work,
there is the possibility of a new superior, and positive change
and support from your colleagues. Student Dragons will find
their academic luck similarly smooth. In terms of romance,
single Dragons will be able to hit the jackpot this month - so
get out there and mingle! 好運氣將持續。工作方面可能會有新上司出現或積極的變化,並得到同事們的支持。屬龍的學生在學業方面亦得心應手,單身人士則有機會命中紅心!
Snake(蛇) In matters involving your relations with others this month, you'll be
experiencing zero conflict and frustrations. Ties with your family,
friends and colleagues will be harmonious and fruitful. Therefore,
it's a good time to have deep and meaningful conversations with
your family about issues that have been bothering you, or to
tackle a difficult task with your team at work. 本月你的人際關係暢通無阻,與家人、朋友及同事都和睦相處。因此是時候與家人坦誠溝通,解決懸而未決的問題,或與同事聯手化解一個棘手的難題。
Work will march along smoothly with no real challenges.
If you play your cards right, you'll impress your superiors
with some stunning results. It'll be a good month for single
Horses to meet new people, but attached Horses need to
be cautious with temptations that could add problems to a
marriage or relationship. 本月工作順利,沒有太大的難題。如果應變得當,將令上司對你刮目相看。單身人士有機會結識他人,但已婚或非單身人士則要慎防誘惑以免傷害感情。
Goat(羊) Problems and challenges continue to pile up on your
doorstep this month. However, as your auspicious star
kicks into gear, you'll find ways to transform dead-ends into
pathways to success. Supportive Noble People will also
provide help along the way.
Spirits may be easily dampened this month, so you'll be
prone to feeling lonely and sad. However, don't forget there
are people in your life who are willing to help, share your
burdens and seek solutions for you. 本月你的情緒低落,容易感到孤獨和悲傷。千萬要記住,你的親人及好友都很關心你,並願意與你一起分擔煩惱,幫助你尋找解決方法。
It will be an excellent time for you to develop your skill
sets. Remember: don't be cocky or arrogant, assuming that
you're naturally the best. You must put in the hard work and
always try to better your previous attempts. This tenacious
behaviour will not only help you solve problems but also
impress your superiors.
This month, you are what you eat! Dogs must be careful
what they eat or they're likely to fall prey to stomach and
digestion-related illnesses. You might want to use this time
to make changes to bad dietary habits. Remember: good
health is one of those things that come only with effort and
strong will! 本月應注意飲食!小心進食,否則可能會感染腸胃不適等方面的疾病。你可借此機會改變不良飲食習慣,須知要健康就一定要有所付出。
Pig(豬) This month, stress will come from all directions - work,
family and personal obligations. But this is when the Pig's
natural sense of courage will work wonders. Problems will
be solved if you're able to run head first into the challenges,
take them on, and not flinch or run away from them. 本月你將面對各方的壓力,包括工作、家庭和個人方面。但你與生俱有的堅毅和勇氣將能夠創造奇蹟。只要你勇往直前,問題將會得到解決。
Rat(鼠) Romance is aflame this month, as your Plum Blossom Luck
kicks into full gear. If you've had your eye on someone, let
them know how you feel this month - all you need is to
be confident and sincere, and luck will be on your side!
Don't prevent yourself from trying by thinking about the
ifs and buts. 本月桃花運旺盛,是向你心儀之人告白的最佳時候。自信心和真誠將為你帶來好運!不要因為過慮或猶豫不決而坐失良機。
With luck continuing to be on a high roll for the Ox this
month, this is the time to act on those ideas you've been
brewing for ventures in your work or personal life. There
are good omens for a successful finish, especially if you
allow yourself to focus. 本月好運氣將會持續。對於工作或個人生活有新想法的人,可以馬上展開行動。只要你專心一意,成功一定在望!
Tiger(虎) It's a good month for you, so get your wits cracking and start
churning out those plans and ideas you've been meaning
to get going! There will be very little to stand in your way.
However, don't get too carried away - remember to take
care of your health and physical wellbeing. 本月運程良好,宜把握時機將你的滿腹計劃付諸實行,一切將進行順利。但是切勿操之過急,一定要保重自己的身體。