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2012 year of the Water Dragon with Feng Shui
Source : Borneo Post (Bizhive Weekly)
Date : 11 Dec 2011
by Joey Yap

I have predicted that the year 2011 of the Metal Rabbit year to be volatile and towards the end of the year we would see the possibility of Europe abandoning Euro as the elements of metal and wood clashed.

I will now give the outlook and forecast for 2012 base on Bazi as I study the charts.

Looking at the chart, every time you see a clash between the elements such as metal and wood which happens in 2011, normally there would be a lot of uncertainties and problems.

But if you look at the chart for 2012, I do not see so many clashes, contrary to what people are so afraid of 2012 being the end of the world could there be economic disasters and all. But if we look at the chart, it is actually not that bad though there are still some problems compared to 2011.

So after 2011, towards mid-2012 which is the Water Dragon year, we should be able to see things stabilising. If we place the two charts for 2011 and 2012 side by side, there is just water and wood so there are no clashes between elements.

Looking at the 2012 chart, the month and year is water while the day and hour is yin wood. There is a lot of water and less wood, and wood floats on water. It shows that there will be a lot of flood, water related issues and disasters. Meanwhile, you can see the Dragon and Goat which are both earth elements, so here we can see that it could be related to earth related problems as well such as earthquakes.

The general theme of the year 2012 where water produces wood is about healing, so towards the mid-year onwards we can see that things are stabilising. So it is not as bad as what the people thought because relating water to wood it also represents healing and recovery.

Element at play in 2012

Water is the strongest element, so trading will still go on because water also represents trade, retail, shopping and others.

Earth is restively weak, it represents the property market. Hence, we will find a slight slowdown in the sector as people gets more cautious. However, it will not be a significant drop but only a minor deterioration as the earth element does not face clashes. Base on the chart I do not see disastrous outcome, so it is a contravening view where somehow this very different from what analyst are saying about the property market and the situation is only short term.

Nevertheless, the fire element is relatively weak. It represents technology, IT, oil and gas and electronics may not be that stable and face some problems in the industry. However, it is still a necessary element in the chart. Therefore, the fire element may have the most volatility in the year

Metal represents finance which involves banking, insurance and others. Metal element in this chart is also weak. So in the finance industry, you can see that they are surviving and just alright.

As for the wood element, it represents the healthcare and education where these industries will do quite well because it is the strongest element in this chart. Will the US currency betrayal element persist?

We look at US as the western country and we are at the eastern country, so west has a star number 8 in the Flying Star chart which represents wealth. So we can see the US currency is not going to see a big hit but closer towards 2013 when the star number 8 leaves the west, that is when the problem starts. The following year, star 7 which represents arguments, disputes and problems will fall on the west.

Is 2012 a year of false hope?

Nevertheless, I don’t think next year will be a year of false hope, I think it will be a year of recovery and stability, better than 2011 in many ways. But as to natural disasters there will still be a lot because the chart shows that the water element floods the earth.

Also surprisingly in 2012, a lot of people will like to change jobs because the water elements also represents change. A lot of people will think that the grass is greener on the other side that they will like to try something different.

As for education, everyone is doing education for instance public speakers teaching public speaking, healthcare experts teaching about medicine, they will do well.

Finally I would say that water produces wood shows a sort of growth. Everyone will get tired of fighting and decides to develop something new, so 2012 is about growth and renewal.

There is also spiritual theme at play here where people would like to become more spiritual next year. They would like to look inwards, seek inner peace and meditation. Interestingly, there will be less fighting. There will also be more mergers in the business field because water combines and feeds wood.

Get a head start towards a better year. At Joey Yap's Feng Shui and Astrology for 2012 Seminars, Joey Yap will teach to you the four winning strategies that will help you pave the least resistant path to success in all aspects of your life in 2012. For more info, check out

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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