Ninety percent of success, as the saying goes, is just showing up whether or not you succeed depends a lot on whether you're present in the moment to succeed, and whether you remain present and stay the course till the end. Thus, it all depends on whether you possess the willpower and perseverance to attain that success. Most of the people who have achieved even a modicum of success in their lives have achieved it against the odds. After all, in this life, chances are the odds are always going to be stacked against even the best of us during certain points of our journey.
Did you know that the markers of determination for success are etched out on your face? Yes, it is! In fact, through the Chinese art of Face Reading or Mian Xiang, certain facial features stand in for traits like determination, strength of character, willpower, and courage.
Here are some examples of eyebrow types and what it means in terms of a person's determination to succeed:
Thick Eyebrows
Thick eyebrows are usually dense and abroad, with a balanced evenness of hair throughout. This indicates a character with a strong sense of perseverance and a good amount of stamina to see things through until the end.
Strong Eyebrows
Strong eyebrows appear high and raised, with a steady look. The hair is slightly thick, and neat and tidy in that in grows in one direction. People with strong eyebrows are likely to be good leaders, and usually possess tremendous amounts of personal endurance. They have the willpower and drive to succeed in whatever they do.
Gentle Eyebrows
Gentle eyebrows are eyebrows that are thin and neat, with very fine hair. This reveals a gentle character, yet they have a very solid sense of ambition. Most important, they also have the energy and enthusiasm to go forth and fulfill their ambitions.
Bended Eyebrows
Bended eyebrows refer to eyebrows with a noticeable bent to its arch, and are usually representative of strong willpower. People with bended eyebrows possess strong willpower that is matched by courage in spades! They never lack for guts in pursuing their life goals.
Chipped Eyebrows
Chipped eyebrows are identified by a prominent scar or line that cuts into the general line of the eyebrow. Because eyebrows represent character, a chipped eyebrow indicates a wavering or uncertain character; hence it also denotes a person who lacks the ability to stay focused or committed.
Imbalanced Eyebrows
Imbalanced eyebrows refer to eyebrows where one is located visibly higher or lower than the other, creating a sense of imbalance. People with these eyebrows tend to make a good start on a project or on something important, but their interest will tend to peter out towards the end. As such, they find it hard to maintain the momentum to achieve success.
Crossing Eyebrows
Crossing eyebrows refers to eyebrows where the hair growth is not even and neat in one direction, but appear to be growing haphazardly or even in a crisscrossing manner. Crossing eyebrows reflect a perpetual worrier who is unable to continue what they started. They're good at starting something, but lack the ability or the stamina to see it through until a successful end.
Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, Bazi and Face Reading consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker; bestselling author of over 75 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics.