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Chinese Zodiac 2015
Source : ELLE Malaysia
Date : 30 Jan 2015
by Dato Joey Yap



1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

This year is all about confidence and opening up to new things for Sheep

Sheep individuals will have a lot to expect in 2015 as it is their year, after all. If your Animal Sign is Sheep, you can expect good news in the year of 2015. First, your intellectual and creative energy will be bursting to the brim in this year. This could easily set you apart from everyone else. With your mental faculties revving up in high gear, you will find yourself charging forward with a newfound sense of confidence and independence. That means trusting yourself and spending time on focusing on your own ideas while pushing your creativity to the surface.

If your career is based in the arts field, you are likely to find your prospects blooming. Even if you are not creative, you will nonetheless benefit from an increased ability to learn new things, which will support you in any training or education endeavors. If you had been contemplating a course or a qualification that will give you and your career a much needed boost, now is the time to take charge and do it.

While you might feel enthusiastic about your newfound energy, remember not to push your limit as you are prone to sickness and frailty if you do not get enough rest. Also, do not neglect the people that matters most to you – your family, friends and your support group. Be grateful for their support and always be mindful of your thoughts and actions around them or else you will come off as being impatient and petty.


Your Wealth Luck is moderate and you will need to prepare yourself for any threats that will jeopardise your financial stability this year. Save wisely for any rainy days. If you are in the creative or academic field, you may have a better chance of reaping some financial gains in this line. However, if you want to improve your wealth luck in general, work hard and your rewards will come.


Being conservative is the key to your professional approach this year. Do not be too assertive at work and follow the orders of your superiors explicitly. If you own your own business, do not take shortcuts to reach your goals. If you do so, you will encounter some form of challenges along the way.


Your love outlook won’t be as smooth sailing as the other areas of your life this year. If you are single, it is best to focus on other aspects of your life rather than searching blindly for love. Married couples should be wary of any potential misunderstandings as arguments can happen easily. Resolve them as soon as they happen.


Your general health outlook is rather weak and this will make you susceptible to illness. Schedule a full medical check-up early this year as a precautionary measure to treat any issues on the spot. Adopt good eating habits, exercise regularly and rest more. If you have a nagging concern, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.


1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

Monkeys, be on the look out for opportunities in your careers and personal life

You will find yourself facing bountiful opportunities for career progression and personal happiness. The only thing that is stopping you from reaching for these goals is yourself. Thus, make sure that once you start on a goal; see it through with a level head and a positive attitude.

There will be plenty of opportunities for promotion with the promise of new business ventures that are all likely to impact your financial wellbeing. You will also find yourself the center of attention and will always be able to make friends and influence people easily.

Your sparking personality will have a profound effect on your personal relationships, particularly if you are looking for love. Aside from that, you will also be able to boost your social circle easily and this will help increase not just your popularity but your career prospects as well. While it is great for you to be basking in the limelight of such adoration, do not lose sight of your true goals in life. Always aim to surround yourself with a supportive network and maintain a healthy balance between socialising and your daily responsibilities.

If you are single, this year will work wonders for your love life and you will find your social calendar filled with dates. If you are already committed, you will find yourself taking the next time towards marriage. Despite the spotlight shinning on you this year, you may be in danger of becoming a prisoner of your own negativity. Despite all the opportunities for you to make new friends and pursue your dreams, you may still end up feeling alone in the great big world. Do not doubt yourself for one moment because this is nothing more than your own fears playing against you.

There will be times when you feel like you are the only one in the world and that you will not have anyone to turn to. In this situation, it is important to remind yourself that there will always be someone for you – if you need them. To alleviate any doubts or fears you have when approaching all your endeavours, have a plan of action and back-up options in place should anything go wrong.


You will need to keep your finances steady this year which means not venturing into anything risky. If you still insist on investing, stick to conservative investments to enjoy better financial returns. You will also be able to earn extra income with the help from someone of the opposite gender.


You career outlook is promising this year. You can expect your work situation to improve and will feel more motivated to make it so. This is because you will have gained the support and guidance from someone of the opposite gender at work. Now would be ideal for you to take on more responsibilities that will showcase your capabilities and advance your career further.


Single men will enjoy strong love luck this year. If you are single, you should be proactive in your dating life as you are likely to gain plenty of attention from members of the opposite gender. If you are in a relationship, you may want to consider marriage.


Watch your health, above all else, because you are prone to neglecting it this year. As you can be busy keeping up with life, make sure you do not slack off when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eat well and exercise regularly, otherwise you will be prone to illnesses that can affect your life.


1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

Romance isn't going to be smooth this year, but your friends and family should be your focus

Instead of spending more time obsessing about getting rich quick, why not dote on your loved ones like your family and friends. This year, make time to surround yourself with those that matter to you and not just financial figures and money symbols. While it is true that money makes the world go round, you must know that what pushes you forward this year is love and not money. There appears to numerous obstacles and difficulties coming at you from all corners of your life, but bear in mind that this is just life and with every rainstorm, there will be a rainbow’s end. Rather than panicking and wallowing in self-pity, why not use these trying times to see how far and hard you can go when push comes to shove?

Explore your potential – whether at work or in your personal life and start caring for your loved ones more. The time and devotion that you would normally put in your pursuit of wealth will now be better used to care and understand your family and friends’ hopes, fears and concerns. Taking the time to care for them will help make sure that everyone has a clean bill of health.

The presence of trying times would act to reinforce your desire to spend time at home, making it your sanctuary in the coming months and your family – your personal support network. The obstacles that you will potentially face this year hint at the need for you to pay more attention at work. This means checking everything twice and making sure that you have plenty of time and the capacity to face any situation at the office.

Even when you are concentrating on other people’s needs and desires, remember to also focus on your own needs and safety. Be careful of accidents and injuries that are prone to knock you off your feet and make sure you able to spot the signs of danger happening. 2015 will not be free of heartaches and trouble, but the lasting lessons you will learn throughout the year will be about love and devotion, which is the most treasured gifts of all. Even when challenges arise, always believe in yourself and you will be halfway there.

With self-discipline and determination, anything is possible this year. Don’t hold back on anything that you want to achieve for as long as you know where you are heading, you can be assured that you will always find your own way home without a doubt.


Take care of your finances this year to avoid any losses. There will be issues that will be disrupting your financial plans throughout the year. Stick to a budget and monitor your expenses closely. Most importantly, do not even think of making any important financial decisions this year.


Good planning is the key to overcoming any obstacles that may crop up this year. Because your career luck is very unstable this year, you will need to prepare yourself for any unforeseen changes as delays will be the norm at work. Make sure you have a backup plan and make sure that you meet any and all deadlines.


If you are single, it is better to focus on something else for you will not find love this year. Do not expect much to be happening in the love department. If you are married, you will find yourself drifting further away from your spouse due to your work commitments. It would be prudent for you to make an extra effort to avoid any disharmony on the marriage.


You work may keep you busy but you must not neglect your health and safety. Learn to manage your stress well and avoid any aggressive activities this year because you are prone to injuries and accidents this year.


1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Stay focused, and approach challenges wisely without being aggressive

This can be your year if you know how to approach it correctly. While there may be some obstacles and insecurities in your way, as long as you stay focused, there is really nothing that you cannot accomplish. You will have an abundance of wealth and prosperity indicating that you are able to make money easily. That being said, you will need to keep your eyes open for new opportunities to further your goals and you will likely be even more successful if you focus your career and interest on arts and design fields, such as fashion.

While pursuing the opportunities before you, do not be aggressive. Adopt a little grace and style as well as wisdom and intelligence. Do not allow yourself to be cheated or become consumed by the desire to get rich quickly at the expense of your common sense or decorum.

You will have to ensure that all your actions this year are diplomatic, honest and gracious. It is possible that you will be surrounded by idle gossip and lies and that some of your relationships will be challenging, but as long as you remain focus and rational, you can rise above any adversity, leaving you free to focus on your career and family.

The key this year is to be extra careful. Most mishaps and dangers can be easily avoided if you are alert and aware of your surroundings. You may be prone to accidents this year, so it is better to take it easy and not pursue any extreme or dangerous sports. You will inevitably encounter problems throughout the year but you will be able to overcome them quickly and easily, thanks to your quick problem-solving abilities.

You need not despair or worry too much as you will have plenty of luck on your side, giving you plenty of opportunities to succeed and make your problems seem minor and easily resolved. You will face your fair share of challenges but victory will come easily for you, thanks to your own luck and your support group. As long as you remain calm and collected, handle yourself with grace and poise and think carefully, there really is nothing that cannot go wrong for you.


This is an excellent year to grow your wealth as luck is on your side. Be alert to any incoming wealth opportunities but do not act impulsively as you can also lose out in the end. Plan your investments wisely and always do your research before committing to anything.


Maintain a low profile at work as there may be trouble ahead that could jeopardise your chances for promotion. Do not pay attention to jealous eyes. Instead, focus on your work and make sure you deliver it on time. If you do so, your hard work and dedication will gain you recognition from your supervisors and boss.


If you are single and looking, now is not the time to look for romance and love. If you are still desperate for love, you could ask your friend to play matchmaker for you, which may increase your chances. Those already in a committed relationship may want to take it further by getting married.


Your health outlook is not as strong this year. You will be susceptible to illnesses if you do not take care of your health. Practice a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. And if you feel something amiss, it is wise to seek medical attention as soon as possible.


1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Plenty of luck in the wealth and love departments for Pigs this year

You will have to maintain your focus this year. If you are determined, then you will be able to succeed in your career and improve your financial position. You will enjoy a positively good year in terms of career and it is likely that your efforts will be noticed by the top management. If you own your own business, now is the time to expand into new markets and think outside the box to earn more profits. Also, this is the time for you to evaluate your friends and test the mettle of their sincerity and friendship. Your success can cause them to be envious and it is this time that you will know who it is that you can trust.

You may feel like you have the tendency to overthink things, though this would mean that things really aren’t bad as you make them out to be. Control your emotions when you are thinking things through and share your concerns with your family and friends, rather than wallowing yourself in self-pity. Make sure you do not shut yourself out from everyone and take time to rest and recuperate while discovering what it is like to be calm and happy.

Your career goals are never more important than your own wellbeing and you should remember that you work best when you are relaxed and stable. However, not all of your problems are likely to be in your own head as you will have some minor bumps to overcome, as do we all. The most important thing here is to be prepared for any potential problems before they arise, so that the outcome will be satisfactory sans any setbacks.

This year will offer plenty of opportunities as long as you can keep a level head and remember to always prepare yourself for any and all outcomes. Arm yourself with the knowledge and have your eyes firmly on the goal while ignoring any distractions along the way. While focusing on your goals, remember that you are only human and that sometimes; it is wiser to take a step back and retreat back into the loving comforts of your home and loved ones.


You will be offered plenty of opportunities this year thanks to your strong Wealth Luck. If you have your own business, you will be reaping in the profits really soon and if you are working for someone, all your hard work will be rewarded eventually. Despite all your good luck, you will still need to monitor your expenses and be wary of any risk of lawsuits or significant financial losses.


Keep your emotions in check at work because there will be plenty of disagreements with the boss and colleagues. Be on guard for any sneaky attacks, gossips and rampant office politics. Do not participate in them. Instead, lay low and focus on your work instead.


Your relationships this year will be harmonious and there are positive signs of marriage and romance for those who are looking for them. This year, if you see someone you fancy, go for it. Luck is on your side, so be prepared to make the first move to impress the other party.


You are prone to accidents and injuries this year, so it is best to avoid any extreme exercises. If possible, avoid them if needed. You may be susceptible to illnesses but these will be minor and can be healed almost instantly.


1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Take it easy this year. Rats should avoid major changes and be diplomatic in career and financial decisions

It is time to slow down and take it easy for a while. That’s not to say that you should throw caution to the wind, just allow yourself some time to enjoy life in the slow lane. You have toiled hard for your rewards, so now it is time to do yourself a favour and focus on some R&R with your friends and family.

This year, it will be important for you to reach out to others and you will be surprised when you see how supportive your network is. There will be times in your life this year that you will feel isolated and lonely. Take heed of these mood swings and seek help when needed. Do not worry for there will always be someone within reach who will be able to lend a helping hand to you, provided you are open enough and willing to accept their help.

In terms of career development, you have the opportunity to expand your influence or to take on more responsibility. A promotion is also possibly on the way as well. You would do well to start spending some time with your significant other or spouse. It is bad enough that your daily life routine is busy and constantly on the rush. Thus, now is the right time to take stock of the people that matters most to you and reconnect with them before everyone gets too old to care.

This year will also be a promising year for you as you work to build your career. But if you spend too much time on your career and neglect your personal relationships, there will be the possibility of several setbacks and even infidelity. Your spending habits will be the one main headache for you because you might be tempted to spend lavishly without giving any thought to your expenditures.

In short, the new year will be a year of growth and renewal, both for yourself and your relationships. You will be able to forger new connections with people and have a stronger sense of awareness of those that mean the most to you.


Your wealth will grow substantially this year. However, with an abundant cash flow, you will have plenty of temptations to splurge on everything you see. Be wise with your spending to avoid any pressing financial issues later. You will also have opportunities for side income coming up. Take advantage of them but take care not to spread yourself too thin.


Stress and misunderstandings will be a common factor in your workplace this year. It is best to keep a low profile and keep your emotions in check while handling things diplomatically, despite the stressful times. This is not an ideal year for you to switch jobs or change businesses. It is better to wait things out and just focus on what is on your plate right now.


Your romance luck is weak and you should be prepared to deal with some relationships issues stemming from outside influences. Resolve these issues amicably before they get out of hand. If you are still single, it is best to just remain single for this year. Take this free time to focus on your hobbies and personal interests instead.


Be careful when you are out and about for you will be prone to road accidents and blood-related injuries. If possible, do not handle machinery or metal tools or objects. You will also have stomach-related problems, so watch what you eat.


1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Set realistic goals and back-up plans to go with them. Oxen should be more financially inclined this year

This year, you will need to take stock of what it is that you truly wish to accomplish. You will discover that there are some dreams that may be too high or far-fetched for you to reach right now, so you will need to see what’s right in front of you. This means that you will need to have a solid back-up plan and have all the details of your affairs prepared before executing them.

Focus is the key factor because you will be constantly day-dreaming about everything before you even set out to do them in the first place. If you can remain safely planted to the ground, you are likely to be better prepared for any challenges which might otherwise be a source of stress and anxiety.

You will also need to be more financially inclined in 2015 and start working to develop a budget and savings plan. It does not matter how much you earn, as long as you come up with feasible savings plan to ensure that your money is well allocated.

On a lighter note, your interpersonal relationships should be a priority for you throughout the year as you will find success with your networking, provided you remember to be kind and patient when you deal with other people. Always be humble and apologetic and be prepared to laugh at yourself and accept your shortcomings. No matter if problems arise from your daily dealings with people, as long as you are able to be honest and open with your approach with them, any problem you will have will be minimal.


You wealth luck could be very positive this year, but it is entirely up to you to maintain it. This is because you have the tendency to be impulsive with your spending, which could lead to major financial losses if it gets out of control. If you have to spend, make sure it is something useful to you. Do not let your emotion do your shopping.


Be more focused and tenacious with your work this year. There will be challenges and work pressures ahead but if you learn to weather the hard times as best as you can, you will be alright. This is a good year to change jobs or switch businesses. Persevere for now, as better things will come in the near future.


There will misunderstandings and disagreements with your significant other or spouse this year. Learn to be tolerant and tactful when resolving issues together. If you are single and looking, be prepared to be lonely as your social life will be uneventful this year.


Maintain good eating habits and exercise regularly this year. Do not slack off for you will be prone to illnesses and digestion problems. Do not delay seeking medical aid if you feel something amiss.


1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Be open about meeting people and appreciate those you already have around you

This will be the most outstanding year yet for you, and you have a lot to look forward to in 2015 in terms of personal happiness and career success. You will have every reason to celebrate, especially if you are entering the corporate world for the first time or preparing for marriage. While you are basking in every measure of success, do not forget to thank the people who helped you achieve it.

Friends in high places will help guide your career as well as assist you in making good personal choices. Whatever it is that you are facing in the world today, rest assured that you will not be doing it alone. It seems that you will have Lady Luck on your side because no matter how negative a situation you might find yourself in, it will become positive in the blink of an eye. This is also a good year to improve on your interpersonal skills as there will be times when you will find yourself saying the wrong thing or causing offence without thinking of your words and actions.

Always make sure that you have all the facts on hand and have a proper back-up plan so that you will not miss out on anything in your path. Though no matter what, there will always be someone you can turn to for support and guidance. Everything you will encounter this year will indicate that you will have plenty of cause for celebration by the time 2015 comes to an end. Not only will you feel blessed by the support of your friends, but you will also be able to triumph against any adversity that comes your way. The next twelve months will be unforgettable, so make the most of them.


Your money will just as easily slip through your fingers as quickly as you earn them. So you will have to be smart with your money this year. But despite your losses, you also have the good fortune of receiving a windfall at one point this year.


There will positive and negative aspects in your career this year which will push you harder than before. Do not be disheartened by these challenges or feel burden by them. Instead, focus on the goal as rest assured, you will be able to reach it with the help and support from people around you when you need it.


Your relationships luck is looking good this year, so make the best out of it. If you are single, you will meet that special someone soon. You just need to get out there and mingle. Those who are in a relationship should consider getting married and married couples will enjoy a blissful and harmonious household this year.


You will find yourself getting tired often and are easily susceptible towards illnesses. The good news is, there will be capable doctors who are able to treat and help you recover quickly. But do not just rely on them. Instead, practice good eating habits and exercise regularly to combat the treat of poor health.


1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Rabbits, be mindful of how you treat the people close to you, whether at home or at work

Your focus this year should be on your relationships and the support and friendship of those close to you. You will be surrounded by Noble People throughout the year and they will help you to achieve your goals. It would therefore be wise of to show your gratitude for these people. Your luck will continue to soar throughout the year and you will find people who are able to support your work and help you sort out your problems.

Even when these problems appear to be major, you are able to successfully find a positive resolution. While you will find true friendship and support around you, do not take it for granted as you may find yourself having communication issues with others if you do so. Think about other people’s feelings, be watchful of your own actions and be mindful of other people’s feelings. If this does not help, remember that you can always talk things through with a confidante.

2015 is also likely to be a great year for you financially. This means that you will have abundant financial gains, which may come in the form of bonuses, pay rise or increments. Poor choices could lead to decreased revenues; therefore, you have to make sure you do not to get too greedy when wanting more money. Make sure you check everything thoroughly before you commit to anything.

As long as you do not give up, 2015 should be an amazing year full of support, good times and success. You will have the opportunity to reach the end of the year better off than you first started. As long as you keep a smile on your face and maintain a positive attitude, there is nothing you cannot do.


You can expect your Wealth Luck to prosper tremendously this year. There will be plenty of opportunities opening up for you with options for investments in property or shares. This will help you build a strong financial foundation for your future. Grab every opportunity available but be sensible and conservative when it comes to signing on the dotted line.


You need to improve on your interpersonal skills with the people at your workplace. This will help minimise any potential disagreements or misunderstandings at work. In the long run, this can only benefit your career.


Better communication is the key to lasting relationships this year. Watch what you say and try and be more sensitive with the people around you. Learn to be more tolerant and tactful in resolving any problems and when you need advice, you will be able to find helpful people around.


Take care of your eating habits and be wary of what you eat this year. You are susceptible to illnesses and injuries but it will be minor enough that you will soon heal quickly. Still, better safe than sorry, so be cautious.


1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Plenty of opportunities await Dragons, but you need to trust yourself to be level-headed when making decisions

This is will be a very exciting year for you as plenty of options and opportunities will present themselves if you are willing and able to grab onto them. If you are feeling burdened or overwhelmed, rest assured that there will always be someone waiting to help lighten your load. There will be great things for your career – even when it has stalled for a while. Not only will your career start moving forward but there is a good chance that you will be able to secure a promotion and a pay increment if you play your cards right.

There are indications that you will be able to switch career paths during the year but be warned, for there is no guarantee that making the change will be the right choice for you. It will be important for you to think about what your goals and priorities are and make a wise decision rather than clutching at every possibility right now. Though there is a chance for you to encounter negativity, arguments and conflicts this year, you would do well to just ignore them completely. Treat others as you would like to be treated and remember that you have the potential to make some significant progress in 2015.

Be dedicated in what you do and grab the bull by the horns when you can. As long as you remain dedicated and persevere, you can overcome anything.


You will be receiving big financial gains this year. Though your wealth luck may be rocky in the beginning, rest assured that the outcome would eventually turn out fine. Your luck streak will keep your finances in check, turning anything negative into positive.


Your career luck is very strong this year. You will have the option of switching jobs or have a career change. But before you decide on any offers, best to weigh in the pros and cons and the risks involved before you proceed with your decision. Opportunities may present themselves but don’t grab at them blindly. Be wary of obstacles along the way but do not let them discourage you. Just keep your chin up and stay focused.


Your romance luck looks promising as you will be able to resolve any problems with minimal conflicts. You will be able to gain help from people though it would be wise for you to shut out any gossips that could disrupt your relationships.


There won’t be any major health issues this year. As long as you practise good eating habits and exercise well, then you will be able to boost your wellbeing throughout the year.


1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Wealth and career aspects for this year will be in your favour. Make the most of your experiences

You should get ready to spring into action this 2015 as it will be a year filled with opportunities to grow and improve on your skills, social standing and career prospects. You will have plenty of ample support from people around you who will help you find your way forward. This year will see you performing in new arenas and absorbing new information. This is particularly beneficial for those who work in education and research or for those who are involved in long term study, as your newfound skills will enhance your learning capacity.

It is likely that you will be showered with opportunities from a variety of unexpected sources and it would be wise for you to be prepared to take advantage of them at a moment’s notice. This means that whatever challenges that you face and whatever cause you have to celebrate, there will always be someone there to share in your sorrows and your delights. Your career or educational goals are likely to compel you to travel extensively. Do remember to enjoy your excursions, as all these experiences will help to expand your mind and will also help increase your financial gains.

Overall you should have a very exciting year ahead with plenty of opportunities to spread your wings and showcase your intellectual and creative muscles. You will be able to see the world, expand your knowledge, pursue your goals and learn new skills. In short, you have everything to look forward to in a promising and positive 2015.


Your wealth is flowing smoothly; therefore, sharpen your mind to capitalise on this opportunity. Before committing to any financial investment, make sure you obtain enough advice from financial experts or family members to help you formulate a solid and feasible decision. It’s also a good time to reopen your book of bad debts as you’ll have a good chance to recuperate them this year.


Your career luck is very auspicious this year. You can expect to advance in your career and this will in turn boost your wealth. You will seek a lot of helpful people this year. Do not hesitate to ask for help in times of need and remember to show your gratitude for their kind support.


Your Peach Blossom luck is not strong this year. Those who are single and looking will not make much progress in settling with that special someone. It would be advisable to focus on other areas of your life. Those who are in a committed relationship may have to deal with health issues of the significant other and be the person to stand by their sides at all times.


You will not have strong health luck this year which means you need to take extra precautions with your wellbeing and safety. You may be prone to injuries or accidents. Be careful when you are on the road or if you are involved in extreme sports or activities.


1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Be sure to balance work and rest, and stick to those health resolutions you've made

This year should be one of self-pampering as you will juggle with plenty of pressure and stress and neither is particularly good for your physical or emotional wellbeing. This is the year that you work on maintaining a positive outlook with regards to your career and on taking time to rest and recuperate. Whatever doubts that may be plaguing you, do not allow them to become self-sabotaging. All in all, you should view 2015 as the perfect time to start making the new healthy lifestyle choices that you have been promising yourself.

One thing you will not be short off this year is love and support when you are in need. You will always have appreciative people who will praise you and keep your spirits up and motivated. Whenever you feel yourself feeling down and blue, you know you can always pick up the phone and there will be someone out there who will be happy to hear from you, and more than happy to meet you for a chat and a drink.

You are likely to enjoy some positive progression in your career. The trick right now is to work smart and play smart without letting it take a toll on your health and emotional wellbeing.


The outlook for your wealth is not strong this year as financial losses are a concern for you. Monitor your finances closely and try not to over-spend. You are prone to get cheated, if you are not careful with your dealings. Generating wealth will require a lot of effort on your end but it would be wise to avoid any investment at all costs. You may want to ask for advice from those who have sound financial knowledge to help you manage your finances better.


Your career outlook involves overcoming various work challenges. You must remain resilient and focused. Your workload may pile up and the obstacles that hinder you from completing them could seem endless. Have faith in your capabilities and do not feel discouraged. The setbacks will help you to learn how to manage issues better, and thus, improve your job performance.


Your romance luck looks promising. Single people who are on the lookout will meet with that special someone this year. Social events will bring such an opportunity for them. Those who are in stable relationship may want to consider marriage this year.


Your overall health luck sees no significant issues. There may be some minor health problems cropping up throughout the year which can be rather unavoidable. With immediate medical attention, you will be able to recover quickly.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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