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At first, I couldn't realise what are these designs - I was trying to see the mountains in my country Greece but could not see the resemblance to the drawings in the book - this is the first time I have seen the embrace and it was really amazing and the table mountain and the dragon and the formations.

Irene Gargatsougia , Greece

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Joey Yap Enlightens 2,000 Participants From 48 Nations on How to Use their Birthdate to Escalate their Wealth, Career and Relationship
Source : LiveNews
Date : 1 Jul 2019

Over 2,000 participants gathered in Singapore for the Grow Rich with BaZi LIVE 2019 event to learn how to use BaZi to design the Destiny Code in their life and create the future they desire.

A popular saying goes, 'Destiny is the one who deals the deck, but we are the ones who play the cards.' It is truth that upon birth, we are all dealt with a certain hand with which we have to play. The BaZi system, reputed as the most authentic for the forecast of an individual's destiny, is not to be taken lightly. Our life is the canvas, and our thoughts and actions are like a palette, from which we can paint any picture we wish. However, many find themselves stumped on what actions to take. In light of this, Joey Yap has created an expertly curated programme to enlighten individuals from all walks of life on how to use exclusive BaZi insights to design their own personal road map to wealth/financial success. From 22 to 25 June 2019, over 2,000 eager participants of 48 nationalities jumped at the opportunity to hear his insights.

As one of the entrepreneurial behemoths and game-changers in Asia, Joey Yap packaged his solid words of wisdom on the way to wealth amidst challenging economic times in a concise four-day class. Participants from all over the world, including countries like United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia and more, gathered in Singapore Expo to discover the various strategies that will help create the future they desire. More often than not, it is to make following their passion a full time job.

One should never fall victim of old beliefs that destiny is inert, immovable and still. Our futures can only be planted, watered, taken care of and harvested by ourselves. Decide what you want to do with your life, your world and your environment. Instead of blaming great omnipotent beings for everything that happens, let them work to your advantage and take charge of your destiny. An all-new programme created by Joey Yap and the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, Grow Rich With BaZi Live 2019 provides the full proof game plan to do just that. The programme is aimed at understanding the ancient BaZi classics and distilling it for modern and practical use. The subjects covered are an important tool in any practitioner's arsenal, and are highly recommended for anyone seeking to use BaZi, even for experienced students.

BaZi is a life mapping tool and an ancient way of destiny analysis. The term BaZi is the Chinese term for "Eight Characters" or what many people term as four pillars. Each pillar has two Chinese characters, making it "Eight Characters". A person's four pillars chart is derived from the year, month, day and time of birth using the Chinese solar calendar. The chart can be used to forecast the destiny and characteristics of an individual and the relationships and interaction between the individual with the surrounding environment. BaZi takes into account various factors including date and time of birth, ancient Chinese astrology, the concept of Yin and Yang, early childhood luck, decade luck period, the interactions of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and more.

During the four-day class , Joey Yap shared on his own incredible journey as a BaZi practitioner and gave a complete walk-through of real-life BaZi applications, solutions and results. He provided in-depth explanations through a careful dissection of BaZi techniques and principles. Designed to cement one's proficiency, understanding, and thoroughness of BaZi, the 4-day class promises a whole new level of learning. Participants walked away with a top-notch BaZi experience and ample subject matter knowledge, one which allows them to make accurate readings for critical decisions in future.

While the participants came from different parts of the world, everyone came for different purposes and had their own key takeaways.

Mar, who took a 16-hour flight from Wisconsin, United States to Singapore to catch Joey Yap's event live, is a strong believer in his teachings. Prior to this, he has attended 3 other events hosted by Joey Yap. "Joey Yap is incredible. He is a captivating speaker that never bores his audience. Through his valuable teachings, I've learnt how to deal with situation-specific circumstances with the best course of action taken from my BaZi chart. Now, I'm able to harness the knowledge to make a wise choice," said the businessman.

Professionals in Chinese Acupuncture, Marzanna and Barbara from Poland looked to BaZi to improve their business after being influenced by their teacher in Poland, who benefited from Joey Yap's teachings. "The knowledge of BaZi will assist us in understanding our clients better, and therefore allow us to better resolve aspects of their life through our Chinese Acupuncture services. His academic teaching style makes it extremely easy for first time students like us, and we couldn't be more appreciative of his fluency and eye-opening insights."

Having a deep understanding of ourselves is vital for everything we do. Many followed Joey Yap's events to enrich their self-knowledge. Eva who came all the way from Slovakia, Europe shared enthusiastically, "His classes are the best in the world! Through attending his events, I am able to discover and understand myself better. The experience is enlightening and phenomenal." She will be using her learnings to make a successful occupation change. Maria, an Investment Manager turned Chinese Metaphysic Consultant from Russia was thrilled that Joey Yap heightened her skills on BaZi, while Joyce, a Life Science professional from Singapore, was happy to empower herself with self-awareness of her weaknesses and strengths through BaZi.

Apart from self-development, there were those who seek to help others with BaZi. Mr New, who took on a mentoring role in the Engineering Industry hopes to guide youngsters with his knowledge of BaZi. Regardless of the purpose and circumstance, all participants walked away with the necessary knowledge of BaZi, and how best to use it to improve their life.

Grow Rich with BaZi LIVE 2019 hosted by Joey Yap had an amazing turnout and was extremely well-received by all participants. If you missed out on the seminar but would like to explore the use of BaZi and Metaphysics further, please visit here to download the Beginner's Guide eBook.

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