Dear Joey
It was fantastic, you kept us on our toes. A lot of information and new concepts. I enjoyed it very much, thank you. Inge Katrina Heding, Australia
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12 Jan 2006 - Ipoh, Malaysia It was an afternoon of indulgence for OCBC Bank premier clients at the Indulgence Restaurant in Ipoh as Mr. Joey Yap was invited to give them an outlook on the Feng Shui and Astrology for 2006 on the 12 th of January 2006.
This event was held for their valued clients and long-standing customers in Ipoh and the room was packed as many had heard about the event and were eager to learn more about what the new year would have in store for them and how they could make the best of it. After the initial introduction to what classical Feng Shui was all about, Joey Yap launched into the various Feng Shui aspects of your home and office that needed to be looked into for the coming year.
After that Joey focused on the Chinese Zodiac signs and the effect the Fire Dog year will have on individual signs. Everyone was captivated as Joey was truly in his element and shared his sense of humor with all. He also showed the participants how the could use Mian Xiang – the art of Face Reading – to make their forecast of the year ahead much more accurate.
Joey Yap rounded up his talk by speaking a bit about using Mian Xiang techniques to ascertain a good potential life partner as well as ways to read a person's face to gather his or her career and wealth potential.
Reported by G Nathan