Met many masters, but never one like you who is so unselfish in sharing your precious knowledge and sincere in wanting to help all your students. Keep it up! Leonard Tham Wai Hoong , Malaysia
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After some casual pleasantries were exchanged, everyone took their seats for Joey Yap’s presentation. A short introduction later, Joey took the stage and launched into the topic for the day; quickly explaining the fundamentals and theories behind classical Feng Shui.
He also explained how you could apply classical Feng Shui to give yourself the edge in both the workplace and the home.
As Joey speak about applying Feng Shui in the office environment to have a more productive working staff and less office politics, many in the audience were already making notes on how to make changes to their seating position and arrangement. Joey also touched on Mian Xiang - the Chinese Art of Face Reading - briefly but still managed to have the crowd smiling from ear to ear with his witty prose on the subject.
Once the talk was over, some of the audience came up to Joey to discuss further about the application of Feng Shui in their homes as well as their workplace and Joey was happy to answer their questions before concluding his talk.