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Many thanks Joey, I am very glad that I made it to China. ‘Walking the dragon’ with a Master who’s willing to impart his wisdom and in-depth knowledge to us, indeed we are very fortunate. Your guidance is very much appreciated.

Vivien Ng Sweh Buay, Singapore

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National Feng Shui Congress 2007 an overwhelming success!

29th & 30th September 2007

Many who strolled in bright and early into the National Feng Shui Congress were no strangers to Joey Yap and his high energy, information-rich seminars on Feng Shui, BaZi, Face Reading and other Chinese Metaphysics.

But the dates of the 29th and 30th of September held a lot more excitement in store, which was why so many had shown up early to register and the air at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center crackled with a certain electricity as anticipation built up among the attendees.

This time around, instead of a full-day seminar, the Mastery Academy team had put together the National Feng Shui Congress. In keeping with the theme of Joey Yap’s best-selling series on Feng Shui, this year’s Congress was aptly named Feng Shui for Homebuyers.

Instead of a single full day topic, multiple topics were scheduled throughout the day. And Mastery Academy Instructors and Feng Shui professionals from around the world, took to the stage with unique topics on their various areas of specialization. Naturally, one day was simply not enough and the Congress spanned two days; the 29th and 30th of September.

Day 1: 29th September

To the rousing applause from the 2500-strong audience and the heavy beat of the background music, Joey Yap took to the stage to present the first topic of the Congress, Feng Shui for Homebuyers: Exterior.

The capacity crowd filled the three massive ballrooms used for the event. Many of whom had read his book on this topic, were curious to find out more, with Joey fielding questions from the audience as the talk progressed.

Throughout the event, 4 giant projector screens ensured that members of the audience did not miss out on the excitement on-stage and were always able to get ‘up close and personal’ with the speakers, no matter where in the hall they were seated.

The short break between his talk, gave the participants a chance to take a look at the various exhibitors who had set up their booths at the rear of the hall. Dijaya, a prominent Malaysian property developer, was the main sponsor. Alongside were other property developers, financial institutions like CIMB Bank, Memorial Park developers, Chinese chiropractic specialists including various exhibitors and sponsors who played a key role in the success of the National Feng Shui Congress.

Taking the stage post-lunch, Joey continued his topic for the day with Feng Shui for Homebuyers: Interior. Various methods and techniques were discussed, most focusing on how to assess the Feng Shui potential of a house and how to go about improving it. Again, a short question and answer session provided members of the audience an opportunity to directly ask Joey a question on the Feng Shui of their own home.

Post-lunch, it was a chance for the attendees to learn about buying signs when it comes to investing in property – Joey’s topic of Face Reading for Property Buyers had been a much anticipated topic and even the exhibitors took the opportunity to sit in on his talk. The various key indicators on a person’s face are brought into play when using this technique and it was a fun session for all as they used their friends or partners’ faces as practice ground to hone their newfound skills.

The excitement level was kept at a furious pace as attendees rushed to the back of the hall during the second break to have Joey Yap personally autograph their books for them. A long line snaked across the back of the hall and many took the chance to say a quick hello to Joey.

The momentum was taken to the next level as Master T.K. Lee took the stage next and presented his topic, on using the Chinese Astrology System of BaZi for Buying, Selling, Moving and Renovating a Home. This was followed shortly thereafter by Sherry Merchant from Mumbai, India, who spoke about Life Gua and Houses – Choosing the Right Direction.

Helene Weber from Paris, France presented her topic on Feng Shui Around the World to cap off the day. It was a virtual tour on the Feng Shui of various cities around the world, from Dubai to Shanghai, to the older European cities and how their unique Landform Feng Shui allowed them to prosper and succeed for hundreds of years.

View video clips from National Feng Shui Congress 2007

Day 2: 30th September

The next day started off with a bang, the crowd surged beyond Saturday’s numbers, bringing the total number of visitors to the Congress beyond the 5000 person mark. The three massive ballrooms used for the Congress reverberated with the pounding music as the attendees welcomed Joey on stage with a thunderous excitement. As the crowd settled down, Joey launched into his topic for the day, Feng Shui for Property Investment: Apartments and Condominiums. This was a hugely anticipated topic, what with Joey’s similarly titled book, Feng Shui for Homebuyers: Apartments having been released only day before.

And there was a huge flurry of questions as well; it was evident this was one topic that had baffled and confused many, many Feng Shui enthusiasts and they were going to use this opportunity to sort this out once and for all.

Joey did not disappoint and took the questions in stride, even pausing to share some of his funny personal experiences with the audience.

Lunch time gave the attendees a chance to have a sort BaZi (Destiny Analysis) Consultation, done personally by some of Joey Yap’s senior BaZi students. Others chatted with members of the Mastery Academy Team, asking them about Joey Yap’s latest program, Feng Shui for Life. Yet others took the opportunity to speak to the Senior Consultants of Joey Yap’s consulting firm, Yap Global Consulting – some even gone as far as bringing along their house plans with them.

The participants dusted off the post-lunch haze as soon as Joey took the stage, taking down notes as he spoke in detail about how you could use Date Selection to your advantage when it comes to real estate.

Recounting his own personal experience with Date Selection, Joey showed the audience how you could use this potent method to select good days to buy or renovate a property.

Diane Grobler from South Africa was up for the next slot in the afternoon. She spoke on the Importance of Main Doors in Homes and Apartments. The crowd warmed up to Diane and were soon interacting with her wherever they could. Although a key feature in the Feng Shui of a home, the Main Door, the Mouth of Qi is often overlooked by many.

Yin Feng Shui, not often discussed in a public sessions such as this, and sometimes looked upon as taboo was the topic of Hung Hin Cheong’s Practical Yin House Feng Shui. His witty banter had the crowd joining him in laughter and this made for a fun session on how Yin House Feng Shui is applied in today’s modern world.

And just before Jayne Goodrick was slated to take to the stage – a surprise session, as Joey Yap took to the stage. Even members of the Mastery Academy Team were caught off-guard. A quick intro to Yi Jing before Joey welcomed a member of the audience to the stage for a ‘live’ demonstration on just how effective Yi Jing can be when you need certain answers.

It took a while before the crowd settled down, the excitement was still thick in the air as Jayne Goodrick, all the way from the UK, took to the stage for the closing topic of the National Feng Shui Congress. An accomplished real estate investor, her topic of Feng Shui and Real Estate was a subject close to her heart and she shared with the audience the successful techniques of using Feng Shui to identify potential investment properties.

The audience still lingered in the hall long after the last topic of the Congress had ended. Many took advantage of the various promotions offered by the exhibitors and others grabbed themselves a copy of Joey Yap’s latest book. Even as the last of the attendees streamed out the hall, their enthusiastic energy echoed what many felt, that their experience at the Congress would not soon be forgotten.

View video clips from National Feng Shui Congress 2007

Reported by G.Nathan

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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