Profound information! This course is the one and only true study of water and mountain formula. We bring home true understanding of Luan Tou and Li qi. Thanks for sharing these trade secrets with us.
Very comprehensive and essential course for Feng Shui. A must for a serious practitioner.
This dynamic new M3 course swept away my previous Feng Shui foundation. It enlightens my perspective on concepts of Feng Shui. Most important is looking at the big structure and no more blind faith in “secret” formulas. The understanding of formula and structure helps make real life applications for success possible. This course is presented in a very systematic syllabus. Thank you once again.
This course encourages a genuine pursuit of real classical Feng Shui by not being naïve and simply applying formulas. We as students must always adapt to the right mindset and attitude towards the learning process. Practice is absolutely necessary. For that, I thank you very much. Your genuine concern of your students in learning Feng Shui is beyond the call of a Feng Shui class, but you definitely have done it, at least for me.
Thank you.