As you teach, more and more aspects of Feng Shui become obvious. Thank you. Shantaram Kamath, India
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The Jing An Ling (Semenyih Memorial Hills) memorial park in Selangor, Malaysia was the venue for the recent Mini Feng Shui Excursion led by Joey Yap on March 16, 2013. The three-hour study tour was carried out with the objective of establishing the knowledge of Yin House Feng Shui - the Feng Shui for burial places - through real-life observation and out-of-the-classroom study among the 200 participants present.
Kicking off at 10am, Joey began by pointing out several forms of mountains in the memorial park and the different roles they play on Yin House Feng Shui. Participants were advised to embrace Yin House as a form of valuable investment for the many generations that follow.
The participants, which made up of mainly guests of Joey Yap Research International and Semenyih Memorial Hills, were intrigued when Joey spoke on the wide range of benefits Yin House Feng Shui can offer. Agents and staff of Semenyih Memorial Hills, along with their Executive Director, Ir. Heng Aik Koon, Chief Operating Officer, Lawrence Liew and Director (Services & Products), Tan Weni were also present.