Joey Yap was in Mumbai, India to conduct the BaZi Module 3 from 11th July to 13th July 2006. This is the next level for professional BaZi practitioners looking to achieve mastery of their BaZi skills.
Students who have completed Module 1 and Module 2 are already equipped with the tools and knowledge to carry out a complete consultation. With Module 3, they will be able to have a more concise understanding of The Luck Pillars’ assessment and be able to undertake an even more accurate reading, honing in on the details of an individual’s Destiny.
Many students had been waiting eagerly since the start of the year when they heard that Joey Yap would be conducting the Module 3 class in Mumbai.
BaZi Module 3 introduces students to more advanced topics extracted from classics like ‘Di Tian Sui’ and ‘Qiong Tong Bao Jian’. Joey also showed them how the ancient masters assessed BaZi charts during the renaissance days as documented in the classics.
Focusing on ensuring that the students will be able to achieve their best at retaining information and application of knowledge, Joey provided them a clearer understanding of Palaces Influence and the 10 Gods location.
In addition, Joey also spelt out the advancement to attaining proper use of the Big Assessment for a complete and detailed reading of a BaZi chart or the Small Assessment for a quick-to-the-point information that the students need.
After the three-day course, all the students were obviously satisfied with the insights that they have gained from Joey’s teaching. Some were already making plans to make use of this newfound knowledge and yet others were looking forward to the upcoming Module 4 class in Kuala Lumpur at the end of July.
Reported by Dafizeck